. I’ve found that it’s a lot of fun. How many pages is 5000 words in an ebook? How Many Pages Is 5000 Words In A Kindle Ebook? Disclaimer: This site generates income via advertising, paid links, affiliate links, sponsored articles and book promotion. How many pages is 1500 words? Whereas ebooks without a paperback version are based on KENP. True, JB. I have yet to be right and been off by a lot. If you want to participate, check out the directions at justcanthelpwriting.wordpress.com. How Many Words Are in a 10 Minute Speech. If you put 1 word on each page, 40,000 pages. 1800 words How many words is 5 page? Documents that typically contain 40,000 or more words include short novels and extensive dissertations/theses. 〉Similes And Metaphors And The Difference, 〉How To Find KDP Keywords For Kindle Books. Use our handy table to discover how many pages a given word count yields, single or double spaced, in Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font. But that’s just me. 40K is about 100-120 pages, depending on the format of the book. This number was significantly different from the average we had seen for the "Estimated Print Length" that had been given in the product details of each book's Amazon sales page. But I could assume that it is based on an average font size on a Kindle screen. To prevent spam, all comments are moderated and will be published upon approval. . I have the same policy—if one of my books is novella length, I call it out as a novella. Answer: A 40,000 word count is about 80 pages single-spaced or 160 pages double-spaced. Learn how your comment data is processed. For avid readers of lots of books per month, using their 30 days free trial or spending $9.99 a month for their Kindle Unlimited membership for as books a month as they can read, it is not an issue. It’s a substantial enough read to keep the reader happy, I think, but also allow me to churn out a volume of individual books rather than focusing on a volume of pages. I wrote a 50K book and based on how many pages it is — at least according to Amazon — I have roughly 340 words per page. Amazon doesn’t explain the 187 number very well. A 40,000 word count will create about 80 pages single-spaced or 160 pages double-spaced with normal margins (1″) using 12 pt. But depending on the e-reading device and the font size setting, it varies significantly between a phone, a tablet, or a Kindle. If you only hit around 40,000, that’s okay. They aren’t too complex and usually either horror or dirty romance. For example, it is said that the most perfect word count for a novel is between 80-90k. I am writing a ebook to present a complex subject (Genera Systems Theory) in a comprehensive, integrated fashion that is also geared for like high school students. I’d love to word count “published” novels to find out how many really are 85,000. It should be adjusted for length, to allow people to sell a short story for a buck and make a fair amount from each sale. And thanks for the award nomination! Yet in the middle of them is King Rat, which must have escaped Clavell’s literary agent’s attention. How about calling the short stories “Airplane Books”. 5400 words How many words … Amazon estimates a page count in an ebook to be around 187 words. I see 5000-word short stories at that price way too often, and that’s too expensive. “We do not allow content that disappoints our customers or creates a poor shopping experience, including but not limited to content that is too short.”. If you want a blunt and honest answer, I write longer blog posts than that. That’s my point – the $2.99 70% floor creates a perverse incentive to jack up the prices of short fiction. I am just on training. So it doesn’t matter anymore. If you put 40,000 words on 1 page, it's 1 page. A 40,000 word count will create about 80 pages single-spaced or 160 pages double-spaced with normal margins (1″) using 12 pt. I just woke up with this question in my mind,”what should be an ideal words count and page of a standard eBook?” It may be “out of date” with the e-reader market, but there are still MANY readers who like physical copies. I have pride in my writing, but then there is food to pay for. This way, readers know what to expect and you become less likely to get reviews that say your novel is too short. I have to question that Amazon words per page estimate. Submit your comment only once, please. Kindle Unlimited Has A Problem – It Can’t Count Words, No More Typos In Kindle Ebooks? A word count of 400 words will result in around four-fifths of a page single spaced and and one and three-fifths of a page double spaced. 2250 words How many words is 6 page? How many pages does 4000 words equal? You have entered an incorrect email address! Got a friend who is trying the mainstream route for her book and is still being told by agents and writing tutors that the MS must be 85,000 words! But as an ebook has no dimensions, it hardly matters what it is called now. Today, however, while the physical size of a book may still matter in a bookstore, ebooks have no dimensions. Because the thicker the book, the more sales value potential it would carry when it sat on a shelf in a bookstore. Just Publishing Advice For Writers and Authors. Yes, but there are some very short pieces of string in the Kindle Store today, Jack. To fill a page in Word, you would need around 500 words, 1.5 spaced or 750 words per page single-spaced. Just read the one on 10 mistakes not to make. The only mention is hidden deep in its Help pages. #Ginuschuks. I found that one refreshing. How many pages does 4000 words equal? Free self-publishing advice, how to guides and tips. What good does it do me to make 70% on $3 if nobody pays that? At least Kindle do give a page count, so buyers are informed. Answer: 4000 words is 8 pages single spaced or 16 pages double spaced. You can always copy and paste your written work into our online word counter and instantly see character, word, paragraph and page count in real time. It’s hard for fiction to come in all shapes and sizes when the price structure is one-size-fits-all. My latest will finish around 75,000 because that’s where the story ends. Copyright © 2020 Just Publishing Advice - All Rights Reserved. Another 10,000 to pad out would be ridiculous. Answer: A 40,000 word count is about 80 pages single-spaced or 160 pages double-spaced. 〉How Much Does It Cost To Publish A Book? Amazon cannot count the Kindle words per page readers read, the number of pages readers flip, or the time readers spend on reading an ebook. And, frankly, I think that’s enough space to tell the right kind of story. Both pages are using Times New Roman 12 point font size. Ignore these people! But one thing I will cop to—I’m writing a lot MORE short books now. If a page is 500 words on an iPad, and 250 words on a Kindle, it might be only 120 words on a phone. These days does it actually matter. There were rumors in 2013 that Amazon had set a minimum word count of 2,500 words for a text-based ebook, which was reported by many blogs, including Galleycat. The Salmon of Doubt looks like a tome next to HHGTTG. The same goes for epic-length box sets on the other end of the scale; if I’ve got three full-length novels on the market for $5 each, I should be able to collect them into a $12 box without cutting my throat on the royalties. 3150 words How many words is 8 page? Click here to read our disclosure statement in full. If you're looking to write a novella, you should know what a typical novella length is. You might consider combining your short articles together to get to a reasonable length. But depending on the e-reading device and the font size setting, it varies significantly between a phone, a tablet, or a Kindle. On the left, a page with single line spacing with 187 words fills only a quarter of the page. It’s just an ebook. A novella is a novella, is a novella, not a novel. At Wasai we are committed to building awesome digital products for all. However, the page count is not perfect, as some are based on a paperback version, which can be misleading. HOW MANY WORDS SHOULD MY BOOK CONTAIN TO CONSIDER IT A NOVEL? Your email address will not be published. Asking how many pages is as absurd as “how long is a piece of string!”. *. Still … I think you should always warn the reader, and I think you should adjust pricing appropriately. This is especially an issue for me because I also have it listed in KU, which pays out per page. 1500 words? How many pages is 3000 words? In past times, books of this length would have been classed as novellas. I’m glad to hear you are getting ideas from my blog, Virginia. There is an old story that goes like this. So how many pages is 1000 words? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve glossed over novels by famous writers because there is just too much unrelated information. I sitll read their books because the stories are good, but I could do without the 200 pages of what I call fluff. It’s an ebook. It is still not clear if Amazon has a defined minimum word count for Kindle ebooks. Anonymous. I also have a 3k waiting in the wings too. It only takes a quick scan of a handful of ebooks, say in the Kindle Store, to notice that the number of pages that constitutes an ebook is almost as wide as the Pacific. I estimate that I will only need about 25 pages of text and about 12 pages of graphics. One name of some renown told me that Medieval Crime Comedy was three things and I was only ALLOWED one!! Depends on font size. And they DEFINITELY want the distinction. Here is what 187 words looks like in Microsoft Word. Using Amazon’s number of words as a guide, 5,000 words would equal 26.73 ebook pages, and 6,000 words would be 32.08. Use our free and easy online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading level. I’ve nominated you for an award, The Dragon’s Loyalty Award.
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