Heading into the USA crossing and you can see there isn’t much room to park an RV to turn in your tourist visa if it’s busy. There was a bus in one and this would be a dandy overnight stop even coming from Guaymas/San Carlos if you didn’t want to go all the way to the border. I have a headache just reading this post. Made it because we were almost straight on when we exited. When I mentioned ( no senales grande problemo…no signs big problem) he shrugged and said it was nuevo or new. Don’t get too close to the cut where you exit or you can’t make the turn without barking your tires. Friends of ours just unhooked their towed outside on the gravel and drove in but I wonder if a 40foot motorhome with a towed could get through the auto area and then park. Before we left Mazatlan we’d heard that Papa John had overnighted here and we stopped for fuel and a quick look. Very artsy lighting. Maybe you should tell someone you are going to unplug them before you do…right! Of all the towns in the municipality, it occupies the number #24 in terms of number of inhabitants. It is Semana Santa week and the kids aren’t in school and lots of people are on holidays so the roads have much less traffic….bueno! P.S. Lots of room here and it’s all paved. The stretch of highway from Santa Ana to Caborca going north is concrete and although it is quite humpy it’s in good shape. Santa Ana, Sonora to San Emeterio (New Rebuilt Adu... Los Mochis Pemex 4925 to Guaymas Playa de Cortez R... We packed up and then we left Mazatlan and headed ... Cerritos Resort for Ladies Lunch and a Beach Walk, George and Sharen’s Happy St. Pat’s Day Party, Romeo y Julieta en la Teatro Angela Peralta. Right….I’ll bet there aren’t any signs next year either. Ahora puedes votar por Aduana San Emeterio para que todo el mundo lo conozca. Servicio de Banca on line. We had to go to the left and cross the southbound traffic lanes to the immigration. We’d had numerous reports of where to go but not much was very clear other that the fact that we’d have to go over the edge onto the gravel on the right and make a U turn to enter the facility. Modernización de la Aduana de Ojinaga. We could have moved but this was the only one suitable on the desert row with a view where we prefer to park. When he set up his electrical last night he pulled out our power and plugged us in above his but as he was doing that he knocked our power off and on about six times. It was cool last night in Santa Ana and the temp got down to about 8C. Last night the breaker blew in the house and everyone was out. Aduana San Emeterio está a 529 metros de altitud. >>> Click aquí para ver más pueblos en el Municipio de General Plutarco Elías Calles (estadísticas, fotos, mapas, restaurantes...) <<<, Mapa de ubicación de Aduana San Emeterio: Utilice los controles de la zona superior izquierda para hacer zoom y acercarse (+) o alejarse (-). They are satellite images centered in Aduana San Emeterio, which is marked with the symbol See more maps ►, You can access more information about maps of Aduana San Emeterio in this link. I’m never sure what is banned in any given year but he did take away my bacon. A Couple of Days in Hickiwan Trails RV Park. Three rigs here last night. One just after Hermosillo (199 pesos) and this one the Santa Ana/Altar (276 pesos.). That is just asking for a blow out. We were up around 6:30 and I even turned the furnace on for a bit while we had the generator running. Eric walked in to find out what we should do and I waited. At this point we have parked the RV before entering the border crossing.
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