[30], Wattle bark collected in Australia in the 19th century was exported to Europe where it was used in the tanning process. Acacia honey is not collected from plants in the acacia family, but rather from Robinia pseudoacacia, known as black locust in North America. [8], In Australia, Acacia forest is the second most common forest type after eucalypt forest, covering 980,000 square kilometres (378,380 sq mi) or 8% of total forest area. Acacias in Australia probably evolved their fire resistance about 20 million years ago when fossilised charcoal deposits show a large increase, indicating that fire was a factor even then. [9] In 1913 Nathaniel Lord Britton and Addison Brown selected Mimosa scorpioides L. (≡ Acacia scorpioides (L.) W.Wight = Acacia nilotica (L.) Delille), a species from Africa, as the lectotype of the name. Informații despre dispozitivul dvs. [35], Some species of acacia contain psychoactive alkaloids, and some contain potassium fluoroacetate, a rodent poison. Acacia remains a widely used common name across genera . I know Casey, Cay, and Cayce/Cace/Case, is there anything else you can think of for nicknames? [28] In addition to utilizing the edible seed and gum, the people employed the timber for implements, weapons, fuel and musical instruments. [5] This was officially adopted. [10] The genus as recognized in 1986 contained 1352 species. Acacia gum is used as an emulsifier in food, a binder for watercolour painting, an additive to ceramic glazes, a binding in gum bichromate photography, a protective layer in the lithographic processes and as a binder to bind together fireworks. Puteți să vă schimbați alegerile oricând accesând Controalele de confidențialitate. [3] A few species have cladodes rather than leaves. P.S. [25], They are present in all terrestrial habitats, including alpine settings, rainforests, woodlands, grasslands, coastal dunes and deserts. Australian botanists proposed a less disruptive solution setting a different type species (A. penninervis) and allowing this largest number of species to remain Acacia, resulting in the two African lineages being renamed Vachellia and Senegalia, and the two New World lineages renamed Acaciella and Mariosousa. Yahoo face parte din Verizon Media. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. We use cookies. [36], For the former broader circumscription, see. Copy the link to this page and share it with your friends. [citation needed], An Acacia-like 14 cm long fossil seed pod has been described from the Eocene of the Paris Basin. Read more – Cookie Policy. [citation needed] They began to form dry, open forests with species of the genera Allocasuarina, Eucalyptus and Callitris (cypress-pines). Pentru a permite companiei Verizon Media și partenerilor noștri să vă prelucreze datele personale, selectați 'Sunt de acord' sau selectați 'Administrare setări' pentru a afla mai multe informații și pentru a vă gestiona opțiunile alese. [29], Aboriginal Australians have traditionally harvested the seeds of some species, to be ground into flour and eaten as a paste or baked into a cake. The southernmost species in the genus are Acacia dealbata (silver wattle), Acacia longifolia (coast wattle or Sydney golden wattle), Acacia mearnsii (black wattle), and Acacia melanoxylon (blackwood), reaching 43°30' S in Tasmania, Australia.
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