What was the thinking that made you choose it? Prometheus study guide contains a biography of director Ridley Scott, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. During the Titanomachy, the war between the Titans and the Olympian gods, Prometheus sided with Zeus, helping to overthrow the old gods. But the experiments they created were uncontainable and nearly wiped out their species in the process. They have practiced using two graphic organizers--Elements of Myth, and Theme--to become familiar with how to use them to organize their thinking. Man was naked, weak, and unprotected which made Prometheus anxious. Prometheus was once a friend of Zeus and every god and goddess on Olympus. If students have not completed their graphic organizer, they should complete it for homework. (W.6.2), Routine: Purpose for Reading Chapter 17 (5 minutes), A. Homework question for Chapter 17 (from Lesson 8; one to display), Reading Closely: Questioning Texts (one per student from previous lesson), "Prometheus" (from Lesson 8; one per student), Reading Closely: Analyzing Details (one per student), Elements of Myth graphic organizer (for Body Paragraph 1) (one per student), "Key Elements of Mythology" text (from Lesson 4; one per student), Elements of Myth graphic organizer (for Body Paragraph 1) (Sample Response for Teacher Reference), Theme graphic organizer (for Body Paragraph 2) (blank; one per student). For users of the EL Education K-5 Language Arts Curriculum content: Unless otherwise indicated, all work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). ", "Is there a significant element of mythology that points you toward a theme? Essay Questions. The subtitle is in reference to the Greek myth of the Titan Prometheus. Since then she has always sought to find the answer to life and death and the origin of the human species.
Read Chapter 18 of The Lightning Thief. Emphasize that strong readers often read texts multiple times. How can we work out what the themes are and which one is most significant? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ", What kind of information do you think should go in each box?
After you claim a section you’ll have 24 hours to send in a draft. I can use details to make a claim about a theme of the myth of Prometheus. This can allow students to have more meaningful discussions and clarify points in their native language. Dr. Sugars Tell students that they have time to get started on this second graphic organizer in class, and then will get to finish it as part of their homework. Prometheus valued man above the Gods. The element, “Explanation of the Origins of Life and the Natural World” is used in the Myth of Prometheus. Invite pairs to share some of their thinking about theme using what they have recorded on their graphic organizers. ...Janine Frani Prometheus is cited as the founder of civilization because he brought “ashwood mortals” the gift of fire, the first human discovery that catalyzed civilization as we know it. The Eagle would eat at his liver for the whole day while at night it would regenerate because of his immortality. Date added: August 17, 2013 . Zeus punishes him causing many other gods to mourn for him. Different details in the text can support the same idea. The immortal Prometheus was bound to a rock, where each day an eagle, the emblem of Zeus, was sent to feed on his liver, which would then grow back to be eaten again the next day.
These two myths were combined to suggest that Prometheus stole the fire and fashioned mankind from clay. In Marry Shelly's book Frankenstein, she tells the story of a man named Victor Frankenstein. If students are having problems figuring out what to write on their charts and/or have recorded responses that don't make sense, ask them: Reconvene the class. Emphasize that students can simply jot notes, and do not need to write full sentences. ", * "What is your claim about the theme in Prometheus? Mankind then had the ability to create tools and weapons. ", * "Does that give you any ideas about theme? Frankenstein believed that his new species would bless him as their creator and source. He was a focus of religious activity mainly at Athens, where he was linked to Athena and Hephaestus, other Greek deities... ...Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus
Prometheus is punished for his egotism and rebuttal of Zeus, an all-powerful force. Again, circulate to observe how pairs are organizing their thinking on the graphic organizer. In an event called Trick at Mecone, he tricked Zeus by asking him to choose between two offerings; beef hidden inside an ox's stomach (something pleasing hidden inside a repelling exterior) or bones wrapped in glistening fat (something inedible hidden inside a pleasing exterior). (5 minutes), * "What elements of myth did you find in Prometheus? These organizers support students in arriving at a claim through an inductive process. In advance: Review Elements of Myth graphic organizer and possible answers. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA). ", A. Might and Violent feel no sympathy towards Prometheus because they view what he did simply as lashing out against their ruler. Post the learning targets for students and invite them to follow along silently as you read aloud: Listen for: "We want to be really good at close reading so that we get a really good understanding of what we read. In this essay, I will explore the reasoning behind her title choice, as well as what it means. ", * "How did the graphic organizer help you to understand the purpose and elements of the myth more deeply?". They will be using these organizers to organize their thinking for the mid-unit assessment. Prometheus’ task in creating life was easy, as for Frankenstein it was much harder as he spent months creating it. The Lightning Thief Routine: Purpose for Reading Chapter 17 (5 minutes), A. Greek Mythology “… brought humanity:... ...Frankenstein and Prometheus Essay Prometheus one day decided to steal fire from the sun and give it to the people for their advantage. ", * "What is your claim about Prometheus? For students who struggle with reading grade-level text, consider chunking the text for them on separate sheets of paper. ", * "Why are we reflecting on the things close readers do? (5 minutes). Learning Targets I can use a model text to guide my writing of an analytical mini-essay I can use the writing process, and the support of my teacher and peers, to plan and draft my analytical mini-essay about Prometheus I can identify and write clearly about the elements of Use the highlighted/check-marked questions on the Analyzing Details chart and the questions below to ensure students understand how to use the graphic organizer to organize their thinking. Which two specific text are you comparing? A significant theme in the Myth of Prometheus is that gods and titans can have mortal feelings. “Prometheus, proud of the beautiful thing of his own creation, wanted to give Man a worthy gift, but no gift remained for him.” This quote shows that Prometheus is proud of his work that he had made and wanted to give him something. ", * "Are there any elements of mythology that keep coming up? The name derives from the Greek word meaning 'forethought'. How do you know it is an element of mythology? Evidence of a cult to Prometheus himself is not widespread. Be sure students know that reading closely is not a formula or a series of steps; rather it is the practice of simply digging deeper and deeper into the words, meaning, and structure of a text. What does the story of Prometheus reveal about the gods and their characters? Prometheus depicted in a sculpture by Nicolas-Sébastien Adam, 1762 (Louvre) When reviewing the graphic organizers or recording forms, consider using a document camera to visually display the document for students who struggle with auditory processing. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Not only was he left on the mountain for centuries, he was also constantly having his liver eaten by a eagle. (RL.6.2), I can cite text-based evidence to support an analysis of informational text. Zeus chose the glistening fat thus making a precedent in what humans... StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. Was viewed: 2122 times . Zeus (Jupiiter) was angry at Prometheus for a few things. In the second row of boxes students describe what they think about that detail, particularly in terms of how it relates to elements of mythology or theme. GradeSaver, 26 September 2017 Web. Many attempts are made to persuade Prometheus to stand down to Zeus and show remorse for his actions for possible freedom but he refuses due to the loyalty he has to humans. As a child Shaw spent a great deal of time with her father after her mother's death. ", * "What information/ideas are described in detail? Use the highlighted/check-marked questions on the Analyzing Details chart and the questions below to encourage students to consider what they have recorded to ensure they understand how to use the graphic organizer to organize their thinking on the elements of myth. Essay Comparing Prometheus to Christ Prometheus Bound is a Greek mythological play written by Aeschylus. Frankenstein and Prometheus were similar in many ways. “Prometheus had the task to create man. He is imbued with Weyland's immorality which ultimately leads to the destruction of all but one of the crew. Partner Writing: Planning Mini-Essays Using Graphic Organizers (20 minutes), A. Debrief: How Did the Graphic Organizers Help You Understand the Elements of Mythology and Theme of Prometheus? Consider grouping ELL students who speak the same home language into triads when discussion of complex content is required. Where does Shaw's hope come from? Hearing the text read slowly, fluently, and without interruption or explanation promotes fluency for students: They are hearing a strong reader read the text aloud with accuracy and expression, and are simultaneously looking at and thinking about the words on the printed page. In the end, Zeus himself releases Prometheus for his insight into the future. In Lesson 8, students began reading closely the myth Prometheus, focusing on getting the gist.
", * "Can you find any of the key elements of mythology in Prometheus? A. Dr. Frankenstein is trying to be a god which is why he is trying to create this new race.
Many students will benefit from seeing learning targets posted. A significant theme is that gods and titans can have mortal feelings. Students record details in the first row of boxes.
In another of his myths, Prometheus establishes the form of animal sacrifice practiced in ancient Greek religion. Not affiliated with Harvard College.
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