The best of the 20 best autumn recipes – in full. Add the chilli oil and blitz again. You want the four slices to be held together by the core at the base. This is what I make when anyone in the house gets the first sign of a cold. Fresh herbs and exotic aromatics have taken a back seat for now. Finally, spoon over some of the oil from the confit garlic and bake for an hour, until the cauliflower is soft and golden. About; Blog; Recipes; Videos; Books; Columns; Press; Contact; Events; Shop; #SaturdayNightCook : Dhal with crispy sweet potato and quick coconut chutney . If you are using soft herbs, you can use the stalks, so no need to pick the leaves. Anna Jones’ ultimate roast potatoes. The flavours will, I hope, bring a bit of sunshine in. Cook on a low heat, stirring from time to time, for 15 minutes, until the tomato liquid has been almost completely absorbed and the vegetables look quite dry. Once the lot is cooked, squeeze the barbecued lemon halves over, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper, then pour over half of the dressing. Cake has been a constant during these weeks at home, an afternoon ritual. My advice: invest in doing a few really well. Two easy and appealing ways to zap food waste: a herby oil that keeps for ages and that you can drizzle on pretty much anything, and a warming, rustic Italian soup-stew made up of fridge leftovers. Prep 15 min Cook 30 min Serves 4-6. • Now is the time to add any flavourings. All rights reserved. These cauliflower steaks are a favourite: brushed with honey and smoked paprika, then charred and topped with a shock of punchy green chimichurri, South America’s answer to salsa verde. 1 apple 1 orange 1 small punnet of strawberries A few baby carrots 2 baby/Persian cucumbers 1 handful sugar-snap peas A few radishes, with their tops ½ lemon. Last modified on Fri 3 Apr 2020 08.15 EDT. She is known for focusing on vegetables and vegetarian cookery. For me, the linchpin of a good Christmas dinner is the roast potato: golden and crunchy on the outside, soft and cloudy inside. Serve warm with any extra dressing to spoon over. Once the pasta has had 6 minutes, add the kale and continue to cook for a further 2 minutes. Ribollita uses one of my favourite flavour-packed things that is usually wasted: parmesan rind, which lends its umami flavour to the soup. In 2004, Jones joined Jamie Oliver's Fifteen apprentice programme, working for him for seven years. In a food processor or blender, blitz a bunch of soft herbs or half a bunch of hardy herbs with 150ml olive oil. My kitchen has never been busier. All rights reserved. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Be careful when you do, as hot fat can splash. • Start with good, floury potatoes: maris piper or king edward are both good. So much so that their vegetarian nature passes you by, its simple, wonderful workable food that will undoubtedly make people happy…Anna Jones, you queen of greens, you’ve only gone and done it again.’ Guardian … Cooking has been something to focus on, something I can do to help keep my mind quiet; its results keep us well and cheer us through these wild times. In her exciting new book, One, the `queen of the greens' gives over 150 recipes alongside dozens of ideas for super-quick one-pan, one-tray suppers. I am not normally a ‘rule’ kind of person – unless we are talking roast potatoes. A simple broth with slurpable noodles. Anna Jones’ easy black bean tacos. 400g new potatoes, scrubbed and halved A bunch of spring onions, trimmed, larger ones halved lengthways 400g radishes 400g asparagus, tough ends cut away 2 little gem lettuces, washed and quartered lengthways Extra virgin olive oil I think there is a time and place for a good bowl of pasta – saying that, I opt for interesting pastas as often as I do the traditional kind. Cheering for young and old. Find out more. Bread, alongside olive oil, is used to top the soup, softening and thickening it, for a texture in which I find great comfort. Now, griddle your veg, starting with the potatoes and the reserved squeezed lemon halves, then the spring onions, radishes, asparagus and finally the lettuce, keeping any warm (on a cool side on the barbecue, or in a low oven if you are using a griddle). What day is it again? Arrange the cauliflower florets and some of the smaller leaves in a baking dish that will fit everything in nicely, then squeeze out the garlic from the other bulb into the spaces between the cauliflower. Leave to sit while you preheat your barbecue or griddle pan. For the chimichurri, put the shallot, jalapeno, garlic, vinegar, honey or sugar, and one teaspoon of the salt in a medium bowl. You need a large shallow pan with a lid. • I cook about three large potatoes per person, peeled and cut into roughly golf-ball-sized pieces at random angles, giving more edges to crisp up. Pasta and gluten sometimes get a bad press. The Modern Cook's Year . Quickly and roughly chop the tomatoes in half and throw them into the pan. Anna Jones’ leftover herb and chilli oil. I’m heartened to say that the conversation around what we throw away has become a regular one, both in the press and in kitchens up and down the country. Once the barbecue or griddle pan is nice and hot, cook the cauliflower steaks for about four to five minutes on each side until soft and nicely charred, brushing with any leftover marinade as you turn. Most of us have one oven, which means getting everything golden, perfect and hot at once can be a juggle. So do yourself a favour and make sides that can be cooked in advance, put to one side then heated up at the last minute (in fact, if you don’t even get to the heating bit, they will still be delicious). Store in a jar in the fridge for up to a month. Prep 15 min Cook 30 min Serves 4-6. The beetroot can be swapped for any root vegetable you have around. Cooking helps to de-blur the days, adding variety, and recently that’s involved a lot of barbecued veg. In 2018, The Modern Cook’s Year won the coveted Observer Food Monthly Best Cookbook Award and The Guild of Food Writers Cookbook of the Year. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Anna Jones is a cook, writer and stylist, ... She also writes a weekly, well-loved column for The Guardian. Let sit for 10 minutes, then stir in the chopped coriander, parsley, and oregano, then use a fork to stir in oil. Put the garlic and thyme in a small saucepan, then cover with the oil until the garlic is completely submerged. The days and weeks at home have lost their definition. A bag of frozen fruit, a pot of creme fraiche or yoghurt and a blender magically make this ice-cream. Let sit for 10 minutes, then stir in the chopped coriander, parsley, and oregano, then use a fork to stir in oil. Heat a barbecue or griddle pan until it is very hot. Prep 40 min Chill 20 min Serves 6-8. Pinto, black-eyed or black beans would all work here, as would any tortillas or wraps. • Blanch the potatoes in very well-salted, boiling water for 10-12 minutes, until almost fully cooked and soft on the outside. If you like, top with a little parmesan.From A Modern Way to Cook by Anna Jones (4th Estate, £26). Put the pasta into the pan. Anna believes that vegetables should be put at the centre of every table, and is led by the joy of food – the spritz of freshness when you peel an orange or the crackle and waft of deep savoury spice when you add curry leaves to a pan of hot oil. Anna Jones’ quick chickpea, coconut and turmeric stew. It is worth noting that most parmesan is not vegetarian, so do check. With this in mind, I wanted to share some more flexible thoughts that use some of the most thrown away ingredients. Anna Jones’ rainbow snack platter. I am not normally a ‘rule’ kind of person – unless we are talking roast potatoes. It is a forgiving soup – it might not end up as a totally traditional ribollita, but you’ll have used up everything in your fridge, and that is up there with the most satisfying things you can do. Ladle into bowls and serve. This one might just be my all-time favourite. A version of a family favourite, made mostly from tins. Parboil the potatoes in salted water until just cooked. 180ml extra-virgin olive oil 1 tsp dried chilli flakes or 1 finely chopped fresh red chilli1 large bunch soft herbs (basil, parsley, mint, dill) or 1 bunch woody herbs (rosemary, thyme, sage). Once almost all the water has evaporated, take the pan off the heat and tangle into 4 bowls. While they are still warm, toss in half the chimichurri and serve with the rest for spooning over. A large deep frying pan or wok would work well too. A brilliant way to use up any half-used bunches of herbs in your fridge: use a single herb or mix a couple of bunches. Winner of the Observer Food Monthly cookbook of the year 2018. So here’s a recipe that uses everyday ingredients to make a proper, wholesome meal out of very little, and another for a quick herb oil that savours the flavours from leaves past their best. A great starter bread to bake if you are new to bread-making or can’t get your hands on yeast. 2 heads garlic, tops cut off1 small bunch thyme, saving 3 sprigs, leaves picked, for the topping300ml extra-virgin olive oil to cover the garlic (about 300ml)75g butter or vegan butter75g plain flour900ml milk or oat milk75g cheddar or vegan cheese, grated50g gruyere or vegan cheese, gratedSalt and black pepper1 medium cauliflower, broken in to chunky florets, smaller leaves reserved, For the topping150g breadcrumbsZest of a lemon2 sage leaves, chopped. Add a litre of boiling water, put a lid on the pan and bring to the boil. • Once the potatoes are crisp, golden and perfect, you can keep them in the roasting tray at room temperature, warming for 10 minutes in a hot oven just before you serve. Award-winning cook Anna Jones blazes the trail again for how we all want to cook now: quick, sustainably and stylish. I think sides on Christmas Day – and with any roast – should fit into three categories: fresh and green, crunchy and crispy, and indulgent and saucy. The key to this recipe is to measure your water carefully and to use the right pan: you need a large shallow sauté pan or a casserole large enough to fit the pasta lying down. • Drain the potatoes, then shake vigorously in a colander until the potatoes have a ragged, fluffy edge, which will mean golden crisp bits; leave to steam-dry for five minutes in the colander.
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