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What are literary conventions? of irony can be found in many different works of literature, take The Interlopers and The Machine That Won the War for example. https://themachinethatwonthewar.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html It takes place in the underground chambers of the largest supercomputer in the world, Multivac, after a recent victory in an intergalactic war with an external force, known to us only as the Denebians. 3 0 obj
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I am trying to write a literary analysis on Susan ... Analyze the following text in terms of audience, p... `sum_(n=1)^oo 1/(n+3)` Confirm that the Integral T... What is Yeats' claim about the Second Coming? Each of the characters admitted their wariness with the accuracy of the machine, thereby creating a … <. The first reversal is produced by Henderson’s explanation as he reveals the truth about Multivac. �8�H%DNSbJ��P&����2V0
Although Henderson believes himself to be a stoic figure and a keeper of the war’s great secret, the narration suggests something else is at play. 2 0 obj
The story begins just as the war has ended and three important men are talking to each other. ƅwP�5�n�X�����.���?��t�u���n�o��r7p$�� �Y1�3�fp=�.KA���πXF5I�ѨZ���X�����},��4�F���-@U�D�'7���y�8H��x:H��%eS������c1�J���D�۸bp�D�D�w�'#��x�F�nU=��7e9t*'��|C�t+;�?٬2 16 0 obj
Save your completed work and submit it via Blackboard. In a nutshell, that mythic belief states that no problem will ever be so insurmountable that a technological advance can't be found or made to fix the problem. x��Ymo�8�^��A��ؖ�� @�����=`܇�~Hg�� Q�bo�M�Y����(H>%$�T�z�i���y�e]-�p@T�F�B�D�-:����mQpG �8��x�@ʽLj�P3��c 1*#�����F���+{�[{rZ����}��
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Comparing and contrasting the three short stories, The Machine that Won the War, Story of an Hour, and The interlopers. 7 0 obj
It is one of a loosely connected series of such stories concerning a fictional computer called Multivac. endobj
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John has re... My first response when I read this question was a simple "no." endobj
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In Asimov’s ironically named “The Machine That Won the War,” three leaders reflect on their recent military success in a war against the Deneb. <>
Simile and metaphor are the most commo... Dickens uses lots of metaphors in this story. endobj
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They are at war with the Denebians (from the planet Deneb), and have been at war for a long time. what is the relationship between history and literature? 18 0 obj
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Suspecting that the data has been falsified, Henderson takes certain measures to correct the data using little more than his intuition. It was also printed in a contemporary edition of Reader's Digest, illustrated. The first difference these two stories have is in character development. <>
Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. l����GR�m%u��LR�HI�*�˿�ׯ_�=��'.�l��3[�>>|y�Y����C�B�1&A(YfA&����!d���LJ?gl�{����g��~����Hr4�|!.�� 'iwd�7d�4�>#�{F�F`Z��G������"���q���L���ٌm�bV��|�϶p����۶S�E��ϣpƺ��O3_$�Fᇵ�n:�v$���*ڧ�d���`�6�y:+U�sq\�c��/RX�d�5�����I�E�;�C�����,,�d 3k�ރ���>��O̭��},*�a'�(���;TM%�*},Pl�}b��$y%y�Ӎ*�Ė����H�J��t?�l����B�� <>
They simply used their own intuitions about the information they were getting and giving. 2 0 obj
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To find some examples, take a look at stave 1. The fact that it was called "The Machine That Won the War" implies that it was not in fact, the machine that won the war. What underlying factors in the events of the 1770s... Why is it important to vote in our goverment? Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Humans have invented a supercomputer called "Multivac" to help analyze enemy strategy, create tactics, etc. stream
What does Belle say has replaced her as the love o... `(0,7/4)` Write the standard form of the equation ... What are Lord Henry's values throughout the book? [ 16 0 R]
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In "The Machine that Won the War," this happens a … Swift is described as looking older and more tired, and his demeanor and description hints to the reader that Henderson is unaware of what is truly occurring. ����R�?x�M.�f�IH�ct�ӱ���x�)0��'��������O��dƘ,�b\�EC��
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The Machine that Won the War VS The Story of an Hour Xman891010@aol.com The two stories “The Machine that Won the War” and “The Story of an Hour” both have foreshadowing and irony. In Asimov’s ironically named “The Machine That Won the War,” three leaders reflect on their recent military success in a war against the Deneb. 15 0 obj
©2020 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The best place to look for evidence in regards to what John's plans are for his people is the final paragraphs of the story. <>
The Interlopers and The Machine that Won the War differ in many ways, like in characters and setting, but use situational irony in a similar way. <>
Could someone explain to me the ballad "Get Up and Bar the Door"? from Calvin University M.A. So he guessed what info should be passed on to Smith. The Machine That Won the War: In this short story by Isaac Asimov, the setting is somewhere in the distant future when humans have recently won a long war with an … Do you think what is currently being done in your community adequately x��V]k�0}�?�G{̪��5JM����X}({0]Z��qq����]9q����WGG�~��8==Y.�.�������W�������8��4L[��3�`�4�qx����m����O�e��l��Jzl~â_6mS҇m�y��m�e^��%�����%��ϒV3��Ϻ���.��#�x����QLK0N2T{�U�&��ꦅmۑnr��Yo?�͙�C�(1R�RX&���`YޑbU^�M^�Ul��Z�p��1|�y��ngܙݐ��b~xZ��UR2G��g�u��}���o��@x��r�)JG�ұ�c�f�)x�Qh��c��&�6�I*�� �B����0�A[ϔI1-�I��+��c�ȬO�� ���'� ��P�q��2��=�PL���i��: e,�z+BYKA��Ef�������3��H� Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. As the story progresses, we learn that this is anything but the case. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. ���X��U�z�ֹo�L'*Q���� O��i8[`�ԍ�����N�X� t�g�th��`��bhqGL� �3�e������u�X�
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In "By the Waters of Babylon," under the leadership of John, what do <>
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This gap—between what Henderson believes and what the reader suspects to be true—can be referred to as dramatic irony. What are two metaphors in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens? As Swift puts it, “the material handed to guide me in my decision-making capacity was a man-made interpretation of man-made data.” We learn that Multivac is anything but a war hero. So while the entire world is thinking that technology has been their protector and savior, it was really three men's intuition, personal decision making, and blind luck. The irony of the entire story is that none of them paid any attention to the machine at all. In Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, how does the alch... What new information does Scout find out about the... Why did the Europeans treat the Africans different... What are a couple of adjectives one could use to d... What is the significance of the metaphor of light ... `f(x) = 1/(3-x) , c=1` Find a power series for the... Why does Helen Stoner come to see Holmes? The irony in the story "The Machine that Won the War" comes from Asimov's manipulation of the "Technology as Protector and Savior" myth. Three influential leaders of the human race meet in the aftermath of a successful war against the Denebians. "The Machine That Won the War" is a science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov. With the computer's vast processing power, the people of Earth now think they should be able to win the war. endstream
what is the relationship between history and literature? Taken from his Nightfall and Other Stories collection the reader realises after reading the story that Asimov may be exploring the theme of doubt. The setting of this story is in the distant future (keeping in mind that this was written in the 1960s), though an exact date is not given. Do you know of any examples. The title itself is meant to be a little bit ironic. However, upon reflection, I'd have to say that I don't know... John Updike's 1961 short story "A&P" contains many examples of figurative language. Sign up now, Latest answer posted September 22, 2012 at 2:47:59 AM. "The Machine That Won the War" short story, Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Machine_That_Won_the_War_(short_story)&oldid=984338900, Works originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Articles lacking sources from December 2009, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 October 2020, at 16:07. What would happen if the carbon cycle stopped? Explain the relationship between racism and privil... What is meant by the expressions "rules of inherit... What are the duties of the Executive Branch? John Henderson, Multivac's Chief Programmer, admits that he altered the data being fed to Multivac, since the populace could not be trusted to report accurate information in the current situation. ��KC�D�0��4����)�ST�{��P-_�0}zSF:�D��lh����� �l���Ԙz����Qi��$�J.�m�K��*���풚>'w���ʾ�=NA(�M��ǽ�}�0�t "iCp�$>�jSЬ��� ���态��-�3o�q���пwPXo����,�D��t[I���۬ endobj
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