She agreed, and goaded him into anger, which brought out the virus. Later, when Martin reveals that Simone is alive, Rasmus wants to go after her, but stays at Sarah's insistence and allows Martin to go instead. Soon after, Sarah arrived and freed him, escaping with him. Rasmus, Simone und seine Eltern evakuieren die Stadt und verstecken sich in einem Bunker der Firma Apollon, für die ihr Vater arbeitet. After this, Rasmus infects Martin. So startet nun auch die dritte Staffel der skandinavischen Serie "The Rain". Sarah comforts him, and later Rasmus goes on the other side of glass from Sarah so that they can "touch" safely without spreading the virus. Rasmus Andersen
Sollte euch die Serie zu dramatisch sein, könnt ihr in dem oben verlinkten Artikel weitere Netflix-Neuheiten finden. When he comes out of it, Rasmus tries to convince Simone of the necessity of adapting to the virus to survive, but Simone is revolted by the concept on an emotional level and cannot address it rationally, so Rasmus sends her away. Rasmus went with Sarah, talking with her as they traveled to Bakken, and at some point she even painted his face like a clown as a joke before wiping it off. Portrayed by Before it could go further however, they had to hide from patrols from Apollon. Some scientists eventually arrived to torch the tree, which caused extreme pain in Rasmus, so they took him back to their base for study. When Sarah comes to him, they both comfort each other and then send their virus into the flower, which explodes and banishes the virus from them both, killing them. Wir berichten täglich über Neuigkeiten rund um Consumer Electronics und Streaming. Sie trifft auf nichts und sagt Rasmus, dass sie den Bunker am nächsten Tag dennoch verlassen werden.
Seit 1997 ist ein führendes Online-Magazin im deutschsprachigen Raum. He continues after Simone, spots a trap, and so sends a subordinate into the flower compound. Blue
He drives to Simone's group, walking the rest of the way when they reach a destroyed bridge. Ihr Vater erklärt Simone, dass es im Regen einen Virus gibt, dass er hinausgehen muss und dass sie im Bunker bleiben müssen, bis er zurückkommt. * NETZWELT verlinkt externe Seiten. As he nears Simone, Sarah implores him for the last time to turn aside, but he discards her instead. Neue Filme und Serien bei Netflix im November 2020: Unser Releasekalender sagt euch, welche Neuerscheinungen an Serien und Filmen ihr diesen Monat nicht verpassen solltet. Later, when Jean discovered an odd tree surrounded by corpses, Rasmus was drawn toward it, but was stopped by Simone. Sarah then confronts Rasmus and stops him infecting more people, for his own health, so he leaves. A blood rage comes upon Rasmus, and he kills the other bounty hunters who come near. Undergoing blood tests, he claimed to have been infected since age 10, and that it felt as if the virus wanted to get "out" — he wished to be free of it.
He admits to being unwell, but blames Simone for his deteriorating health. However, Simone follows him and demands he stand down, but he refuses and wants to leave. In "The Rain" Staffel 3 wird das Schicksal von Rasmus (Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen) und Simone (Alba August) besiegelt werden. Rasmus, Simone und seine Eltern evakuieren die Stadt und verstecken sich in einem Bunker der Firma Apollon, für die ihr Vater arbeitet. As he nears Simone, Sarah implores him for the last time to turn aside, but he discards her instead. In "The Rain" Staffel 3 wird das Schicksal von Rasmus (Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen) und Simone (Alba August) besiegelt werden. Diese fürchtet sich vor Rasmus' neu gewonnener Macht und hat den Plan, ein Heilmittel gegen das Virus zu finden. Series information Als ihnen das Essen ausgeht, zieht Simone einen Schutzanzug an und geht zum ersten Mal nach draußen.
Die Gruppe würde sie zunächst dem Tod überlassen, bis Simone dem Anführer der Gruppe eine Karte mit anderen Bunkern zeigt. Rasmus' health continues to deteriorate, but he refuses to confide in Sarah. She makes it to a bridge, where Rasmus once again pleads with his sister to see reason & join him, but she jumps off a bridge to kill herself rather than accept her brother. Rasmus awoke to his sister Simone telling him a lie that the doctors accidentally dropped a sample.
Er fordert sie auf, Rasmus zu beschützen und geht. He retires to his quarters, gravely ill, with Sarah taking care of him. Simone moved Rasmus to a room where he'd be more comfortable, but he used this as an opportunity to break out. Darin treten zwei Geschwister gegeneinander an, um dem tödlichen Virus ein Ende zu setzen. Danach beschließen sie, Rasmus und Simone in ihre Gruppe aufzunehmen und gehen zum nächsten Bunker. Rasmus Andersen ist einer der Hauptcharaktere der Serie The Rain. Rasmus Andersen ist einer der Hauptcharaktere der Serie The Rain. Changing tact, Rasmus fakes illness to leave the room and send Martin to free Sarah.
When he does so however, Sten already knows of his plan, and has Sarah hostage. Rasmus is concerned about Sarah's declining health, but soon has his own problems, when he is plagued by visions of his former self following a flashback to when he was a child and was comforted by Sten. He demands that Sten bring Simone to him, and Sten agrees. Olivia experiences a similar disturbance in the virus, and pins Rasmus down with questions and cuts through his lies, but he refuses to be honest with her. Miraculously, Rasmus heals the wound, and simply leaves for Apollon. She comes back with someone he is intended to save, harasses him until his virus emerges, and then leaves in disgust, fleeing the area despite his cries that she not abandon him again. He forces Rasmus to comply with his plan to infect Olivia, which succeeds. Lies dir vorher unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen durch. Dabei haben wir bewusst kein Ingenieur-Labor - Wir testen Produkte im Alltag und können daher genau sagen, ob es ein lohnender Deal ist oder nicht. Am nächsten Morgen werden sie jedoch aufgeweckt, als der Sauerstoffgehalt niedrig ist. Reddish blonde Rasmus later confronts Martin and "proves" to him that Simone is dead.
So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. The virus is alive about him, spreading in a writhing cloud that kills anyone who comes near, until every single one is dead. Rasmus is prepared to kill Simone, and although Sarah doesn't want to participate, he convinces her to come along. En route, Rasmus became concerned for her, for her running out of the serum to keep her immune system strong, but she didn't care. 11 (Episode 1) 17 (Episode 2-8) Die neuen Folgen setzen dort an, wo sie die Zuschauer zurückgelassen haben. At the end, Rasmus sees, through Martin's eyes, when Simone is located.
He didn't care if he died, even though he assuredly would if he didn't go to the location his father sent him to for help. Können Rasmus und Simone sich wieder versöhnen.
In dem Fall kann NETZWELT eine Provision vom Betreiber erhalten. Male 14 Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rasmus has willing, terminally ill subjects such as Olivia who want to risk getting the disease, but he still has doubts. Einige Links zu Shops können einen so genannten Affiliate-Code beinhalten. 1 • 2 • 3
When Sten brings Simone before Rasmus, Rasmus is in the middle of meditating, viewing Sarah's experiences with the virus.
Current He snuck through the base to find Sarah, where he apologized for killing Jakob and begged her help to discover how he did it, that he might avoid doing so in the future.
However, he wakes up and summons the virus, forcing Lea to sacrifice herself to save Simone, giving Simone time to administer the cure on Rasmus. Enraged, Rasmus confronts Sten over experimenting on patients who were terminally ill anyway, but Sten stares him down and intimidates him into leaving. "The Rain" Staffel 3 liefert den Showdown zwischen Rasmus und Simone, Trailer und alle Infos zu Start, Handlung und Besetzung von Staffel 7, Alle Infos zu Start, Trailer, Handlung und Besetzung von Staffel 3, Alle Infos zu Start, Besetzung und Handlung, Kaufberatung, Testberichte und Vergleiche, Das große Finale der dänischen Science-Fiction-Serie. Sarah comforts him, but also notices a new laceration on his neck, which Rasmus plays down. Sarah comes to Rasmus in the flesh, they have sex, and dedicate themselves to each other.
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Diese Seite wurde mit Daten von Amazon, Netflix, MagentaTV, Sky Online, iTunes, The Movie Database,, Warner Home Entertainment, Sony Home Entertainment oder den jeweiligen Produktionsstudios und/oder Publishern erstellt. He admits to being unwell, but blames Simone for his deteriorating health. Werden die Geschwister, die gemeinsam in einem Bunker die Katastrophe überlebt haben, sich einigen können oder werden ihre Pläne endgültig einen Keil zwischen sie treiben? Rather than kill her though, he admits that all he wanted was for them to be together.
"Stay Inside" However, he couldn't administer the full dose due to the terrifying pain and feeling of dying. The visions represent the virus, and urge him not to cure himself. Status Afterward he visits the sick they intend to save with Sarah, only to find corpses. The subordinate is shot and killed, hurting Rasmus through the link, so he sends the rest of his subordinates to hunt down Simone's group while he deals with Simone himself. They arranged a spinal procedure, and although he protested that he didn't feel well and wanted to wait, they proceeded anyway. Nun befindet er sich bei dem Pharmaunternehmen in Gewahrsam und will eine neue Betaversion des Virus erschaffen, die alle Menschen zu Supermenschen macht, die so sind wie er. She eventually retired, wishing to suicide, and although he warned her to stay away, her entry provoked him into secreting more of the virus.
She closed the door at the last moment, and told him that this was how he killed her brother. Er denkt, dass er damit die Bevölkerung Skandinaviens retten wird, doch Simone ist anderer Meinung. When he is then taken to infect Sten, he reveals that Sarah is free, and infects him with the virus before his immune system is suppressed enough to survive it — this kills Sten. Simone und Rasmus warten sechs Jahre lang darauf, dass ihr Vater zurückkehrt, aber nirgends sind seine Spuren zu sehen. General information Nun heißt es "Du kannst nicht alleine überleben" – und wie wahr das in der postapokalyptischen Welt von "The Rain" ist, müssen Rasmus, Simone (Alba August) und Co. sehr schnell feststellen. Young Du kannst dem The Rain Wiki helfen, ihn zu erweitern, indem du unter diesem Thema nachschaust oder dein eigenes Wissen über die Serie einbaust. Oder hat ihre Verwandlung negative Auswirkungen, die alle gefährden könnten? Wird es eine 4. Rasmus Family The Mandalorian enthüllt Star Wars-Legende, Netflix erweitert im August 2020 erneut sein Programm mit neuen Filmen und Serien, dritte Staffel der skandinavischen Serie "The Rain", Netflix: Neue Filme und Serien im August 2020, weitere Möglichkeiten NETZWELT zu abonnieren.
Sten often comforts Rasmus, trying to empathize with him.
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