The two species are quite similar in appearance but they can be distinguished by the following;Color - Both have a white belly, but walleyes are gold and olive in color. Yet, unlike the larger and solid gold-colored walleye, the smaller sauger fish is brassy in color and have the same pattern all over their body. Saugers on the other hand are brassy in color, and are mottled with 3-4 dark (almost black) saddles that extend down their sides.Dorsal fins: Both have two dorsal fins. This article intends to summarize their characteristics and emphasize the difference between a sauger and a walleye. Sauger and walleye are two species of the same genus and they both are extremely similar looking except for few externally exhibited signs of differences between them. The reason for that is simple: Walleye and Sauger tend to hang out in quite different waters. Difference Between Bengal Tigers and Sumatran Tigers, Difference Between Stingray and Manta Ray, Difference Between Marlin and Sailfish and Swordfish, Difference Between Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes, Difference Between Coronavirus and Cold Symptoms, Difference Between Coronavirus and Influenza, Difference Between Coronavirus and Covid 19, Difference Between Homochain and Heterochain Polymer, Difference Between Euglena and Paramecium, Difference Between Adaptive and Non Adaptive Routing Algorithms, Difference Between Enzyme Inhibitor and Enzyme Inducer, Difference Between Granular and Agranular Endoplasmic Reticulum, Difference Between Trophoblast and Inner Cell Mass, Difference Between O Acylation and N Acylation, Difference Between Water Potential and Osmotic Potential, Difference Between Claisen and Dieckmann Condensation, Difference Between Bulk Flow and Diffusion. Walleye’s olive-gold colouration is accompanied with some dark shades that fade towards the belly region. • Walleye is golden to olive in colouration while sauger has a prominent dark shade. Let us know in the comments below!
However, it is important to know the difference between walleye and sauger because in some states knowing the difference can save you from a potential fine! Regular weight for adults seldom exceeds 4lbs. Walleyes prefer clear water and hard bottoms such as rock, gravel etc. They’re closely related, and have the same basic body shape. Naveen is a Doctoral Student in Agroforestry, former Research Scientist and an Environmental Officer. Sauger is a highly migratory fish species in North America, and they can travel up to 600 kilometres to find good spawning grounds.
We cover all these questions and more in this short, jargon-free guide. They usually grow to no more than 15 inches in length with a maximum weight of or about 4 pounds. If you're lucky enough to catch the same size of each species, telling the difference between walleye and sauger can sometimes be very difficult because they are similar in appearance. Walleye and sauger sometimes interbreed and produce Saugeye which are more difficult to differentiate. However, it would be difficult to identify them apart for a casual observer due … ability to feed deeper than walleyes due to better low light vision. Adults principally eat fish but also eat insects particularly mayflies during their entire life and crustaceans. They also have a white lower tail, similar to Walleye.
• Sauger is commonly found in rivers while walleye mostly prefers lakes and reservoirs. These carnivorous fish can live about 20 – 25 years in wild, and they are about 20 pounds of weight by that time.
The skin around gills is rough in saugers, and their colour pattern is mostly dark coloured with some areas in the upper half of each side being almost black. Saugers are sympathetic with walleyes and where they inhabit the same waters expect to find saugers in deeper waters than walleyes because they have a larger tapetum lucidum which allows them to see better than walleyes in extremely low light. @media (max-width: 1171px) { .sidead300 { margin-left: -20px; } } There are no black spots on the dorsal fin, and the spines of that fin do not appear to be pointed as in saugers. You don’t normally have to worry about Saugeye throwing a wrench into the works. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The largest walleye ever caught was 41 inches in length and weighed in at 25lbs. • Walleye has a white spot on the lower tip of the caudal fin but, not in sauger.
Hopefully, you now have a better idea of where both species live. Comment below. • Sauger has black spots on the dorsal fin but not in walleye. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.
However, it would be difficult to identify them apart for a casual observer due to the close resemblance of these fishes. One of the most important features of saugers is the spotted dorsal fin, which has a spiny appearance. The white spot on the lower tip of the caudal fin is one of the most important features in colourations that enable identifying a walleye. Where do they live, and what’s the difference between them? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Sauger is a freshwater fish species, Sander canadensis, of the taxonomic Order: Perciformes. You don’t normally have to worry about Saugeye throwing a wrench into the works. Difference Between Crayfish and Crawfish, 6. Habitat Walleyes - are typically found in large cool and deep lakes as well as reservoirs. Sauger vs Walleye. (this is the same layer of pigment found in lions and other nocturnal animals). Difference Between Marlin and Sailfish and Swordfish, 2. Sauger and walleye look similar because they are cousins from the same family Percidae (Perch family).
The largest walleye ever caught was 41 inches in length and weighed in at 25lbs.Saugers, on the other hand, are smaller and take longer to reach their adult size. Lake of the Woods Ice Fishing: An Angler's Guide. Make sure you know the difference between walleye and sauger before going on your next fishing trip! Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. Survey the sides of the fish. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They migrate for spawning in late winter into tributary streams and the eggs hatch in about 12 – 30 days. At first glance, both these fish look pretty similar. Additionally, their body shape is very helpful for the food habits of preying on other small fishes and invertebrates. Saugers, on the other hand, are smaller and take longer to reach their adult size.
Do you have any other way of telling them apart? Walleye is a perciform fish species, Sander vitreus, found in freshwater lakes and reservoirs, in Canada and northern parts of the United States. Walleyes do not have such markings. Lower lobe of the caudal fin has white tip. Both are predatory fish and are nocturnal or low light feeders. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Difference Between Male and Female Fish, 5.
Sauger are mostly found in rivers and streams, although they do also live in lakes. A beautiful paining of a sauger. Difference Between Sea Trout and Salmon, Filed Under: Animals Tagged With: Sauger, Sauger and Walleye, sauger and walleye difference, sauger walleye, Walleye. Walleyes - have no dots or spots on their dorsal fin but rather a large blotch on the last few spines of their spinous dorsal fin. Which one do you prefer to catch, Sauger, Walleye, or Saugeye? Source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved. These cookies do not store any personal information. A mature sauger will be much smaller and have a slenderer appearance than a mature walleye.
More importantly, you’ll be able to tell them apart next time you catch one.
Mature 32″ Lake Of the Prairies … Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Legal.
(info via To add to the confusion, there is also a hybrid of the walleye and the sauger called a saugeye. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Sauger vs walleye is question that I get asked a lot. They like clear water and rocky or gravel bottoms. They like fast currents, but they prefer to stay out of them most of the time. Anglers around the Great Lakes and beyond love these guys for their fighting spirit and delicious, flaky meat. sand, gravel, Usually found in deep lakes and reservoirs with clear water and hard bottoms e.g. In short, if your fish looks like a mixture of the two species, it probably is. rocks. • Sauger is more adaptive to many environments than walleye is. A spinous dorsal fin and a soft dorsal fin. Smallmouth vs. Largemouth Bass: All You Need ... © 2019 • Sauger has a wider distribution compared to walleye. Saugers were usually found in rivers of the southern, central, and western parts of the United States and in southern Canada, but now they are widely distributed in North American rivers. The dorsal fin (spiny fin on top of the fish) on a sauger has black spots. However, there are a few telltale signs to look out for: When Sauger and Walleye inhabit the same waters, they sometimes cross breed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Walleyes are the largest member of the perch family and grow larger than saugers.
1. Dark blotch on last few spines on dorsal fin. Usually found in large rivers with deep pools, murky water and soft bottoms e.g. (It is possible to find a much larger specimen for both). My name is Dave. I’m a freshwater fishing veteran who has learned a thing or two. Difference Between Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes, 3.
What is the difference between Sauger and Walleye? Walleye usually live in large, deep, cool lakes or reservoirs. Saugers - have 2 to 3 rows of distinct black spots on its spiny dorsal fin. They usually grow to a maximum of 29 inches in length and about 15lbs in weight.
Saugers - prefer rivers and streams with deep pools with murky water and soft bottoms such as sand, mud, and silt to provide cover from high current. Sauger and walleye are two species of the same genus and they both are extremely similar looking except for few externally exhibited signs of differences between them. All Rights Reserved. The current world record for the largest sauger ever caught is 28 inches in length and 8lbs 8oz.
Sauger’s fusiform body helps them to swim fast through the currents with the minimum effort. But how do you identify Sauger vs. Walleye? Hi there! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright © 2010-2018 Difference Between. Sauger have scales on their cheeks, while the cheeks of walleyes are smooth. I’m a fishing enthusiast who has been fishing ever since I was able to cast a rod. Lake of the Woods Ice Fishing: An Angler's Gu... 7 Best Great Lakes Fishing Towns in the US, White Crappie vs. Black Crappie: All You Need to Know. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Pop quiz, is the fish in the first picture a sauger or walleye? Walleye and Sauger are two of the tastiest freshwater fish out there.
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