Sugar puffs advert-CRIMPING!? Heard them talking about it on the radio the other day. Not as good as the new dairy milk ad that's for sure . Didn't see it coming. Puff! Does that mean he is about to discard his followers after they served their purpose? What’s a good song to send to my sister after I did something that accidentally hurt her? I dont care,,, I hate it,, please make it go away!!! Sugar Puffs Commercial: Love Song. Huff-puff! Is it known how many whites have been stabbed or mugged by blacks in London since the media-promoted 1993 death of Stephen Lawrence. Lockdown does more harm than good and what is the purpose of government doing such a stunt? How do you think about the answers? do u care much about a songs lyrics or just concentrate on the melody? Why is science to conservatives what oil is to water ? Sugar Puffs, Sugar Puffs HUP!
Is it "Pump It" by The Black Eyed Peas or "Two Worlds" by Phil Collins. What's that Paul McCartney song that goes like, "Ohhh, I think I'm going dowwwwn?"? Used to switch channels whenever those classic adverts ("You'll go monster-mad for the honey!" Apologies for the disruption and any inconvenience caused. Watch Queue Queue Wheaty chums that settle in transit. Have to admit I didn't particularly like him when I was a kid.
Governor issues overnight stay-at-home advisory, Police monitoring extremist groups amid voting, Black, Latino Americans flock to polls amid hard times, Stern commends Swift for taking a political stance, Betting markets see Trump losing as battlegrounds shift, Report: Soccer legend Diego Maradona hospitalized, Trump signals he won't try to declare victory prematurely, Alert: Hand sanitizer could disqualify your ballot, Country star's 'Voice' surprise: 'What the hell', NFL being bashed despite tightening COVID-19 policy, LeBron James endorses Biden after Trump attack. What’s that song that goes like “na na na na na na na na na na”? *clothes rip*. Would removing all Muslims not greatly reduce that risk? Changing into the Honey Monster at the sight of a box of Sugar Puffs. Well, now it would only be OK with cartoon ones. Kept in the cupboard taken out for breakfast. I totally agree with you. is a discussion board with a wide range of forums, including - but not limited to -, We have updated the GDPR policy and Terms of Use. (List below) came on. How do you think about the answers? Is India really the ancient, spiritual civilisation that it and some others claim, or is it little less savage than Africa? mighty boosh do the sugar puff advert. Huff! You can sign in to vote the answer. Will there be enough Russians voting today to secure a Trump victory? If Trump wins again, what will happen to the US? Please sign up or log in to join the discussion, uses cookies. Do they still sell these? Drives me mad,,, What?? Does anyone know the name of this classical song? Copyright © 2000 - 2020 Limited (Hosted by Digiweb Hosting), Welcome to; here are some tips and tricks to help you get started. Something about a sugar puff princess!!! Some of you older footy fan members may remember he was adopted as a football chant!
awww i think this adverts great and even though i am the mighty booshes biggest fan i still think its great, they should be flatered that someone loves them that much they made another song based on them! The UK raises its terrorism level to severe meaning an attack is "highly likely". Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. It has been highlighted that many users received a spam PM last night in the early hours. Bring back the Raj, and their fondness of tiger-shooting. I believe it's called crimping, and it was influenced by The Mighty Boosh. to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Sugar Puffs Advert - Breakfast time Late 1980s TV ad from a series called "You-ll Go Monster-Mad For The Honey" adverts. the infamous and equally as famous "I Want My Honey!" rap with a capital c Still have questions? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Yes I think they still do. Well I can honestly say I was SICK of this advert...but through constant de-sensitisation technique by big bro every morning I can now say I watch out for the advert coming on...its a kinda love hate thing now, I think it's a great advert! COMPLETELY COPYING OFF THE MIGHTY BOOSH CRIMPING! If you have a notification that you have a PM, but none in your inbox, please send a message to yourself and read that, and that should clear it up. I don't think I've seen that - I'll have to look out for it! how irritating is that flop haired muppet, and the guy in the monster suit singing inanly? 'Dreams …
Get your answers by asking now. Sugar Puffs are being rebranded as Honey Monster Puffs after a backlash against sugary cereals has led to dwindling sales. Kill me now!!! . If you receive such a message, please report it by clicking the little warning triangle and delete once you have done so.
The new sugar puffs advert is a crimp!
Honemonster really has changed a lot over the last twenty years.
Get your answers by asking now. cars racing to. The new recipe will contain less sugar and more honey. Queen Don't Stop me Now - fantastic advert!! The Honey Monster returns to UK TV screens after being resurrected for the latest Sugar Puffs campaign. If anyone out there was at Pooles Park Primary School, London, in the early 80s and appeared in a honey monster advert or can help me find the adverts so as I can show my children my 30 seconds of fame I would really appreciate it. I know that these should probably be on here somewhere else but I've actually written a number of fanfiction stories around these adverts. Here's the first one: My memories of Sugar Puffs come from my first ever scrapbook - believe it or not the Ad still affects my life in a big way 53 years later. For further information on UK cereals visit By continuing It's good advertising too. Must have cost the production crews a lot in ripped and torn clothes! Haven't seen that Honey Monster on TV in a long time. Please ensure that you do not click on any links contained within. Still have questions? Put 'em in your mouth and they make you laugh, Kept in the cupboard taken out for breakfast, Spoon's best friend and the fridge's favourite, Put ‘em in your mouth and they make you laugh, Spoon’s best friend and the fridge’s favourite. Thanx xxx Yes, I find it really irritating. Sugar Puffs ("You'll go monster mad for the honey") Advert list (1) Breakfast Time (Boy turns into honeymonster in the kitchen just before breakfast) (2) School Classroom (A class of kids turn into the honeymonster during a school lesson much to the shock of their teacher) they completely rippd of the mighty boosh - they even said about it in the boosh documentary in their crimp : Jokey Jokey . You can sign in to vote the answer. Is Ryan Air right to refuse refunds to people who can't travel due to lockdown?
"tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time . Honey coated puffs in a milky bath.
I'll have to go and find it so I know what everyone is talking about. Honey Puffs Sugar Puffs Vintage Toys Retro Vintage 1980s Tv Puffs Cereal Breakfast Time My Childhood Nostalgia Put ‘em in your mouth and they make you laugh. Jokey Jokey. Which of the most popular song do you like the most and why? Puff! . Spoon’s best friend and the fridge’s favourite. how irritating is that flop haired muppet, and the guy in the monster suit singing inanly? Trump says he will go live in Scotland if he loses. Golden pips of a sunshine princess Am probably going to throw a spanner in the works here but was just thinking about Sugar Puffs. line. Click here to find out more, Top 10 Questions and Answers for new users, Here are some useful resources to help you understand the coronavirus as well as what precautions you should take. Honey monster no no.
Ah! Governor issues overnight stay-at-home advisory, Police monitoring extremist groups amid voting, Black, Latino Americans flock to polls amid hard times, Stern commends Swift for taking a political stance, Betting markets see Trump losing as battlegrounds shift, Report: Soccer legend Diego Maradona hospitalized, Trump signals he won't try to declare victory prematurely, Alert: Hand sanitizer could disqualify your ballot, Country star's 'Voice' surprise: 'What the hell', NFL being bashed despite tightening COVID-19 policy, LeBron James endorses Biden after Trump attack. How badly will the Boogaloobois and the Proud Boys, etc., revolt? Please God!!!! You can read the announcement with details. The songs so catchy! Yes that DOES appear to be the first and most obvious thing that people remember about those adverts. . . " I wasnt allowed have them because they made me hyper. Huff! You can read the announcement and access links to the revised policies, We have added a small update to the Terms of Use.
Huff-puff! How unfair is that! This video is unavailable. Just curious to know what other people's memories of it are? Before the Honey Monster, Jeremy The Bear was the the face of Sugar Puffs and on the advert his theme tune was 'If You Go Down In The Woods Today'. Commercials (TV/Cinema/Online) / 1976-1977
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