Johnson had to make them too, and ordered rifling machines, which took some work because rifling machinery was on a government priority list at that time, and he obviously did not have a government contract. A representative of the High Standard firearms company said they could be in production within 120 days of signing a contract and be making 500 per day within six months. Soon, the Senate was involved with their own investigation, Johnson gained even more supporters (including the powerful Senator Henry Cabot Lodge), and some Senators even participated in a firing demonstration held at Ft Belvoir, VA. Instead of possibly making a name for itself as a “ace” infantry arm of World War II, the Johnson Auto-Carbine is forever relegated to a little-known footnote in ordnance history. Half were shipped into Canada, and brought in a little at a time so as to not flood the market. In the next issue, he published the results of his own testing and evaluation of the two rifles. Melvin Johnson would point out that his test rifles were prototypes, while the Garands were production guns with nearly 20 years of development and a recent redesign of the gas system and some lesser refinements. On a Johnson rifle stock, the wood bulges out at the magazine so it requires a wide stock blank. The USMC Parachute Regiments and Raiders got approximately 750 Johnson semiauto rifles (around 3.5% of total production), but not through regular channels. The story got twisted because of the lack of information and people filling in the blanks. I have a 1941 Johnson that has been in storage since 1953. He replied: “Oh. Select fire could be added, by using the LMG’s internals. It was made by the same machine shop and used a 4-round box magazine. It is believed she may have been the “inspiration” for Melvin Johnson, Jr. nicknaming his Auto-Carbine “Daisy Mae.” Credit: Capp Enterprises, Inc. A Marine paratrooper posing with Harry Torgerson’s personal Auto-Carbine given to him by Melvin Johnson, Jr. Credit: U.S. Marine Corps photo, Marine Major Harry Torgerson on Bougainville holding a tie he received for a Christmas present. The Johnson rifle suddenly became well known, and gained a lot of support. The Johnson had some interesting features – primarily its magazine design. The Chilean government ordered 1,000 Johnson rifles in 7x57mm. But the rifles made for the Netherlands government never got to the Dutch East Indies. If anyone can help me find these parts, it would be much appreciated. Another Marine Captain and friend of Johnson’s named George Van Orden took one of his rifles and a Garand and ran a series of tests on his own at a Massachusetts gun club range. My grandpa was a marine paratrooper with the OSS and loves rifle. Thanks for your great contents! The bolt would have multiple lugs because that would cut the amount of rotation needed to unlock and lock the bolt to the barrel. The Dutch government had been in exile in England after the Germans overran the Netherlands. Although a couple of pounds heavier than the M1 carbine, the Johnson Auto-Carbine would seem to have been a good compromise, combining the unquestioned effectiveness of the powerful .30-’06 Sprg. “What is that thing?” On the six member USMC test board was Col Merrit Edson (that name again). The ParaMarines adopted the Johnson LMG. They liked it’s overall performance, it’s accuracy, ease of disassembly and reassembly, ease of barrel removal, the magazine and the ability to top off and unload, and ability to withstand dirt, dust, sand, etc. The Winchester 71 and .348 Winchester Cartridge, M1941 Johnson Semiauto Rifle, Part 1, History. The Johnson, by intent or accident, was a pretty modular rifle. The Johnson rifle was privately developed. If it wasn’t a significant improvement over the Garand, Ordnance didn’t see the use in siphoning off resources to produce a second rifle. It took nearly a year before the regiments were formed and trained, and a test could be ran with the Johnson LMG. The Johnson rifle received the bulk of praise. View entire discussion ( 0 comments) More posts from the HeroesandGenerals community. It is believed that only five complete Auto-Carbines were made by Johnson Automatics. Front and rear sights are perfect and untampered with “30.06” at twelve o’clock and “41” at six o’clock are stamped on the barrel. This was coordinated by…Colonel Merrit Edson. Johnson Auto-Carbine #3 with “Daisy Mae the 3rd” stenciled on the stock. So he bought one when he came home. A good thing to come out of the Benning tests was the rotary magazine. This demonstration had it’s good and bad points for Johnson. I’d love to watch your entire video but your cameraman fat breathing throughout the first 3 minutes is too distracting. Thank You, Robert, Hi Ian,I was looking at a Johnson 1941 rifle with a 7mm barrel and don’t know if the value is less or more than the 30-06 ? Additional Reading:The Model of 1941 Johnson Rifle in Marine Service, E-mail your comments/questions about this site For questions/comments about American Rifleman magazine, please You can contact the NRA via phone at: NRA Member Programs1-800-672-3888, To advertise on American Rifleman, visit for more information. It used a fixed 10-round rotary magazine, which could be fed by 5-round standard stripper clips or loose individual cartridges. And people have to read it to know it. Secondly, Mine has been repaired at the rear of the receiver on the left side. They were sorted out, but at the time, there were a lot of people with serious doubts they could be fixed before the inevitable war broke out in Europe and drew us in. Johnson designated the gun as the “Auto-Carbine.” Reportedly the NPC nominally supported development of the new weapon but was non-committal regarding the potential for any orders (which never materialized). This was to be a four week long test by the Corps to do two things. The last one was a M-1941 Johnson. The investigation/hearing ended by basically dropping the whole thing in July of 1940. It also has the number 33 stamped on the buttstock. I just bought a 41 Johnson Rifle a month ago. The American Legion of Rhode Island did pass a resolution at it’s 1940 convention stating that the Johnson rifle be adopted as standard rifle by both the Army and Navy. I thought it was used by KNIL (dutch colonial forces). The Johnson LMG fit the parameters when broken down. It needs a patch in the wrist and the front mag pin was missing. He had scored lots of hits on targets he didn’t know were there. The rifle was tested for 11 days, fired 1,200 rounds in shooting trials and another 5,000 in endurance testing, and was subjected to dust tests, sand tests, mud tests, drop tests, and by being jumped on while hung between two boards. This gets kind of hazy too, and records are scarce. This May 1940 firing demonstration was held by the Army and headed by the Army’s Garand expert who was also the officer who ran the Ft Benning tests that Johnson felt were rigged against him. It has an old fixed three or four power scope mounted. Its quasi-bullpup configuration permitted the use of a full-length barrel while, keeping the overall length short. Every step of that process would be observed by people in the Ordnance Corps and other branches, plus members of the gun press, and be well documented and easily accessed later. One of the Winfield Arms owners reportedly bought 16,000 Johnson semiauto rifles from the Dutch government in the late 1950s. He had no experience in manufacturing and didn’t want any. I have a new 1941 Johnson. It has the orig sling and bayonet as well and leather scabbard. Note his Johnson Auto-Carbine to the right. The rifle cost was $125 each. Stories abound that when the Marines became interested in Johnson rifles and knew they were sitting on a dock, they simply went and got them. He wanted to sell the designs to the government or someone else and let them do it. Some Johnsons were “disposed” of. It weigh 12-14 pounds depending on configuration, which was nearly half the weight of the BAR. I’d guess that I got as much info from my Garand reading as anything else. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. The bolt would travel in a generally tubular receiver, and be made in two telescoping pieces with ramps on each piece to rotate the bolt. While the Garands shared the shooting, the lone Johnson had to take it all. Rifle looks like it is 98% (or better) original condition, made by Cranston Arms Co.. It just wasn’t out there until Ed Johnson, Bob Lamoreaux, and Bruce Canfield gathered it together. Can’t wait to get it to the range. This solved the problem that had proven vexing to designers trying to create a short, carbine-type arm firing a full-power rifle cartridge without excessive muzzle blast. When I bought it the barrel was replaced the rear stock was just a piece of walnut. The scores were close from top to bottom. He ran forward and dove on the ground with the plan of firing three 20-round magazines in long bursts. The serial marking is ‘S-3’ and nothing else. Ian, Thank’s for all your help and information on the Johnson rifle. Mine needs a front sight,pins for the front sight and bayonet lug, front sling swivel pin and front magazine pin. I remember seeing one at a range (at a Highpower match no less), and never saw that shooter again. This got Melvin Johnson thinking. Those present were buzzing with excitement over the LMG. I am trying to learn all I can about the 1941 Johnson. If that’s not enough for you, Bruce Canfield’s book is the definitive Johnson resource out there, and still readily available: Great video, I was born with in 5 mile from Johnson Mfg.Co. I’ve heard they recoiled harder than the Garand, and couldn’t shoot as well. Two things doomed this idea. by Bruce N. Canfield, Field Editor -
Barrels were to be contracted out, but nobody could take the work. With an unknown number destroyed, lost, or still floating around Pacific islands, that accounts for the vast majority of them. Most of these were “transferred” to the USMC. Winfield Arms sold these in various grades: A Military grade, which was essentially an unmodified rifle, for $68.50; a Standard, with a new stock and with or without a new barrel starting at $129.50; and a Custom Sporter, with new barrel, Monte Carlo stock, optional scope mount for $159.50. Some were captured or stolen and spread through Indochina, with reports of them being used by our enemies in the Korean War and Vietnam War. On September 19, 1941, a Marine paratrooper named Lt Harry Torgerson jumped from a plane with a Johnson LMG carried in specially-made canvas pouches.
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