Synonyms for jungle include wilderness, forest, woods, bush, wilds, bushland, rainforest, boscage, chaparral and morass. The video taught us that there are two types of verbs: action verbs and linking verbs that tells us about the subject. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. The next person in the circle will continue the story by adding a sentence, e.g. If you’re curious to learn more about what makes up good sentences, check out our Mini Lesson Plan series on grammar! As nightfall descended, the sounds of the jungle began to ebb. You seem tired. A sentence simply cannot be complete without a verb! “Democrat” vs. “Republican”: Where Did The Parties Get Their Names? Today, we learn to master these powerful verbs! Find more ways to say jungle, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Commonly used words are shown in bold.Rare words are dimmed. What’s a verb? You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how ridiculously funny this game can get! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Linking verbs: shows a relationship between the subject and a noun/adjectiveThis flower is pretty. Action verbs: what the subject is doing, has done, or will doPresent: Brian runs. Join our early testers! Today, we learn to master these powerful verbs! Form a circle with your students and create a story by taking turns to add a sentence to progress the story. The day was sultry, and the heat, even in the dense shade of the jungle, oppressive. Activity 1: Twinkle Trails Episode 19 — The Verb Jungle PHOTOSLittleLives Inc.PixabayEnglish Current, 5 điều bạn cần làm ngay hôm nay để thay đổi tương lai của trẻ, How A 8-Year-Old Kid Became An Investor of A SaaS Company, 20 Things Most People Learn Too Late In Life, 7 Relationship Red Flags You’ll Notice — But Dismiss, In the following pictures, can you tell me what each person is. To spice up this game, throw in nouns and adjectives. Click on a word above to view its definition. For example, when “Simon says bread” or “Simon says wet” is called out, the children shouldn’t react because ‘bread’ and ‘wet’ aren’t verbs! –Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly. Find more similar words at! Thus, we can conclude that ‘tastes’ in this sentence is a linking verb. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. There was a thicket of holly and underwood, as dense as a jungle, close about the door. She has to clearly state the verb used, which in this case is ‘had’. Besides being absolute fun, this game could bolster your understanding of verbs! Why, instead, they had tied him here alone in the darkness of the jungle. Hope this lesson plan helped you learn a thing or two about one of the most crucial parts that make up a sentence! “This fruit is funny” does make sense. How to use jungle in a sentence. If they make sense and have almost the same meaning, they are linking verbs.” Source: English Grammar 101. Adjectives for jungle include jungle, jungled, jungleless, junglelike, junglier, jungliest, jungly and jungular. Uncertainty hung in the warm, wet air as the creatures began to prepare for the long stretch of darkness. For example, the word ‘tastes’ is a different type of verb in each of the following sentences.Action Verb: She tastes the fruit. Highlight/circle/underline the verb in each sentence. I am happy. Cat had pointy ears. A word mat that I compiled for my Year 3/4 class to be used as an aid to help to broaden vocabulary when describing sights, smells, sounds and textures that might be experienced on a journey through a rainforest. [Note how I replaced the state-of-being verbs in this paragraph.] Sometimes linking verbs can be tricky to identify. Suggested answers:Top left — swimming, splashingTop right — eating, bitingBottom left — swinging, playingBottom right — shouting, scolding, Every word you’ve just suggested to describe what’s going on in each picture is likely a VERB.
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