Discover the common causes of and treatments for a sore throat. Nasal mucous is usually thin and clear, so that's what you saw when you bent forward. official was 'distracted' during fatal crash, Betting markets see Trump losing as battlegrounds shift, Terry Bradshaw helps stranger in viral video, Ore. ballot measure would legalize some hard drugs, Civil rights groups in Kansas City send warning to NBA. Both my right nostril and forehead/brain area right above had that burning sensation for about a minute, and was very painful--enough to make me cry. See an ENT to check it out. It felt akin to chlorinated water in your nose. I have exactly the same thing - help what is it?! I recently had a cold for about two weeks. CSF … Gently blow the nose and clean it with soft tissues. scared that it might be basal cell c, because of certain circumstances; is it just a pimple? However, the last couple weeks I have been having this water up my nose feeling when I hold my head over or when I bend over. So, I am thinking this may be associated with those issues.
You may possibly have an infection of the sphenoid or frontal sinuses, not enough to cause congestion in your nose, but enough to mess with the nerve endings that cause that feeling, and to cause headaches.
It is making it hard to wash my hair as it comes back when I bend over. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. When I bend over occasionally to reach under the bed, under my desk etc water just gushes from my nose. If you have redness or itching of eyes as well, it indicates an allergy and over the counter anti-allergy medicines can help to relieve the symptoms. I always thought it was just my sinuses as I've had them drained a few times but now I remember them telling me a complication of the op could be they go too far up and into my skull and now I've just googled csf I'm shitting myself! All flaired medical professionals on this subreddit are verified by the mods. I tried to quickly finish up, but it continued. Me to I have had it a while I wish I knew what us causing it. How long was it there? aches&pains&burning in my neck, upper back, shoulders, head, ribs, face. Sneezing, straining, coughing and lifting heavy objects is restricted. Memory usage: 1698.84KB, Stuffy Nose When Lying Down: Causes and Treatments, How to Deal with Ear Infection During Pregnancy. The most common symptom of CSF leak is drainage of clear and watery fluid through one or both sides of the nose. It is recommended to have a couple of weeks' bed rest. Nasal polyps, migraine headaches, foreign bodies and very rarely some tumours can lead to a leaking nose. I do have issues with abnormal heart function, but it is still in diagnosis stage, except that I do have a large murmur and mild aortic stenosis. This is common after a viral infection of the upper airways. My ongoing problem now after the cold is that every time I bend over my nose feels like i have water up it. You describe it as water. What could this be. Common cold or hay fever are the major culprits causing clear nasal discharge and the clear fluid leaking from the nose is usually produced by the inner lining of the nose. (Pun unintended), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Any ideas? An individual with a CSF leak may also notice clear, watery fluid draining from their nose or ears when they move their head, especially when bending forward. Im curently haveing that same problem been sick almost 2 weeks and then today i blew my nose and then calghed not long after and then got that feeling on the right side of my head with dizzyneas. 5 Important Reasons to Breathe Through Your Nose. I feel fine otherwise except for the sore throat at night which disappears. My face throbs, I hear crackles in my nose, feel pressure in my nose, moving from one side to the other. I had a cold for about two weeks which consisted of a stuffy nose, sore throat and a cough.
drains clear fluid. What could this be. i rarely have any boogers or mucus coming out of my nose is that normal? I feel stupid to go to the doctor when I feel perfectly fine otherwise. I have been given Flonase, which helps for half … The procedure can be performed through an external incision or using an endoscope. I did this today, however, I bent more than usual. Post traumatic headache and migraines also lead to a similar picture. “Elegant Ecology”,, Hamidreza Nassery , DMD, FICOI, FAGD, FICCMO, 5 Signs Your Loved One May Be Suffering From Hearing Loss. It's very watery and not snot like and yes it tastes salty. So easy to spread infection very quickly. 23 female. Sounds like congestion. What was the ointment? I can feel the blood rushing to my head and nose. Will let you know when I do. Stuffy nose sore throat and cough. what is it?it's drained twice and fills back up it's clear fluid little blood mixed. Sometimes it can take up to a month to develop the symptoms. Allergic rhinitis. why does clear fluid drain out of my nose when i bend over? I've been coughing for almost 2 months. This approach helps in healing process. I feel fine otherwise except for the sore throat at night which disappears. This leakage can increase on bending forwards, tilting the head or straining. Still have questions? MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. I am currently on alesse for birth control. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms. The nose is lined by mucous membrane and anything which irritates or inflames this lining can lead to excessive production of mucous and fluid and can lead to a runny nose. Now I am over the cold but every night i get a sore throat which disappears in the morning. Press J to jump to the feed. Since this is a chronic, persistent problem for you, I recommen ... Firstly try not to touch areas like this on your face. I have been over the stuffy nose and cough but still get a sore throat at night which goes away in the morning. Lasted 2 weeks also which is unusual for me. ... dizzy,loose my balance and fall over a lot.I also get headaches and will sometimes get a burning sensation in my nose when bending over,like water up my... View answer. They sent me to an ophthalmologist and they diagnosed me with iritis, inflammation or irritation of the iris. My ongoing problem now after the cold is that every time I bend over my nose feels like i have water up it. Can also use decongestants, like sudafed. I had a CT scan and it showed my sinuses had congetion sitting in them. You must consult your doctor if any of the following happen: Nasal discharge can be serious in infants and children, contact the paediatrician immediately if the child is less than two months old or if any of the following is present: Most of the times, a nose leaking clear fluid is caused by allergies of infections but very rarely, it can be a CSF leak or a brain leak. Would anyone know what this is: sometimes my sinus passages feel really raw, other times, I get this sensation like I've just dived into a pool and water has went up my nose, that burny kind of feeling. … Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. The brain is surrounded by CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid); in extremely rare circumstances when there is some damage to the skull bone, this fluid starts to leak through the nose or the ear. Do any of my regular medicines cause a bad reaction with another one? Now I am over the cold but every night i get a sore throat which disappears in the morning. i bend over, or hang my head down even waking up to clear fluid draining from my nose, this is on and off for a year, red neck ringing ears, migran? When I bend over, it feels like there is water up my nose. Any information would be helpful. The most common symptom of CSF leak is drainage of clear and watery fluid through one or both sides of the nose. To learn more, please visit our. Both my right nostril and forehead/brain area right above had that burning sensation for about a minute, and was very painful--enough to make me cry. Subscribe to MedHelp's free newsletter for Community Support, Experience, and Guidance. The discharge turns yellow or greenish indicating the presence of infection, The child is having difficulty in breathing or is unable to take food, Headachesthat are severe when the head is upright and usually get better on lying down.
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