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Write a one-page response in your journal that reflects upon your GP experiences so far. Persuasive is fine, but add to refine. What it means. %����
PK ! Compare. AICE: General Paper (8004), grade 9 Boca Raton Community High School, PBCSD DECODING THE PROMPT…SOME BASIC RULES Once a discursive, always a discursive. Assess. 2 0 obj
... AICE English General Paper AICE English General Paper Command Words. examine something in detail to determine its meaning, identify its elements and determine the relationship between them, identify/comment on similarities and/or differences, state the points of a topic/give characteristics and main feature, take forward to a more advanced stage by expanding or building upon given information, write about issue(s) or topic(s) in depth in a structured way, to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something, set out purposes or reasons / make the relationships between things evident / provide why and/or how and support with relevant evidence, produce an answer by referring to reading material or recall from memory (depending on how the question is framed), apply knowledge and understanding to situations where there are a range of valid responses in order to make proposals, select and present the main points, without detail. 4 0 obj
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Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 2) Choose one of the following prompts from this link, which a sample of part of the end of the year Cambridge exam: SCROLL DOWN to see prompts and write a 600-700 word essay making a formal argument based on the prompts using any background knowledge you have about an subject as evidence. �/x#Փ,�/�d�}?�e��h��7�)��m�g;���k��k�4��D�f2�/��w�������Bm�w�4������A�^�#�࣡�FkP���ܚ�Hx�����ȽAt�~9'���ozW�nM���t���V�WkJ�lN�W���z���^�>\� �� PK ! The keys to these will be to make sure you’re not restating the question and to make sure you’re not using the exact words that the text does. What, specifically excites or worries you? Examine in detail to show meaning, and to identify elements and the relationship between them. $��� � [Content_Types].xml �(� ��MO�@��&��W�z0Ɣ����M��.C��~dg���JK���Z���2���3��J��#m��,e�����E��Di
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AICE:!General!Paper!8004!!!! Command Word. In what ways do you think you meet the expectations of the General Paper essays? <>
The test we have is not a traditional paper and pencil test and you will want to know your stuff.
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