Even worse is trying to use God’s name in profanity and this includes Jesus holy name. Are they still relevant in the modern world. The last six are about our horizontal relationship with our fellow human beings. In other words, we are to LOOK into God's inspired word, the Bible, to find the "perfect law of liberty" and then keep that law! God's 10 Commandments: Still Relevant Today An offer from My name is Jack Wellman. The Second Commandment reads, “You shall not make unto yourself any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD your God am a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; And showing mercy unto thousands who love Me, and keep my commandments.” (Exodus 20:4-6). 7 Encouraging Answers from Billy Graham, Why Studying the Bible Is So Important in 2020, In Changing Times: The Word of God Never Changes, Going Deeper in God’s Word: A Summer Bible Study to Share, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 Do you think Jesus nailed them to the cross? Yes, the Ten Commandments are still important! Previous Post You’ll find them in two places: Exodus, chapter 20, and Deuteronomy, chapter 5. The apostle James states that unless we are doers of God's word and not just hearers (James 1:22) we are deceiving ourselves (James 1:22). The Ten Commandments were given so they would know how to live, and God promised that if they followed them, their lives would be blessed. • Topics: Bible. The seventh-day Sabbath is a blessing that the far majority of my fellow Christians today are just simply missing all together. Local: 704-401-2432 It is defending themselves or others in the line of duty. Don’t let your past hold you back, but begin a new life today by asking Jesus to forgive and help you. Why!? This seems to be generally accepted that we should not take away from others things that don’t belong to us. You’ll find them in the Old Testament (the part of the Bible that tells us what God did before Jesus Christ came into the world). Finally, they broke the last of God's commands by lusting for the food, and coveting the wisdom it could bring them. What Does the Bible Say? The second is that until there was law, sin could not be imputed (verse 13). Do you think the Ten Commandments are still valid for this day and age? July 30, 2014 Although they were given many centuries ago, the Ten Commandments are still valid, and our lives (and our world) would be far better if we followed them. (Matthew 23:16) And what your imagine God to be, if it is not based upon what the Bible says, is creating a god after your own imagination and in your own mind’s likeness. The first ones deal with our responsibilities toward God — to put Him first in our lives, and not allow anything to take His rightful place. You’ll find them in two places: Exodus, chapter 20, and Deuteronomy, chapter 5. What does the Bible say and what does Jesus say about the Ten Commandments? Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone (Acts 4:12) and no one is saved by works, but my only point is that if these would be lived out, realizing none of us can keep these in perfection, what would society be like? Adultery wrecks lives and shatters families and leaves in it wake destroyed lives; of the parents, children, and grandparents. In 1John 5:3, the details of how to love are defined in relation to obeying the ten commandments. Do Babies Go to Heaven? No one is able to keep all of the commandments, but the fact that we can’t keep them perfectly doesn’t mean that we should disregard them. Although this tells us that the overall principle of the law is outgoing love toward God and fellow man, it does not give us the details of how we are to show that love. Stealing is punishable by fines or imprisonment, depending upon the severity of the crime. This is the only commandment of the ten that Jesus did not seem specifically mention except by saying “For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.” (Matthew12:8 and Luke 6:5) He further says that “it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.” (Matthew 12:12) A day of rest is useful and beneficial for humans and it is in our best interest to take one day in seven to rest the body. the ten commandments) simply by accepting in faith that Jesus is our personal savior? Paul writes that he would not have known what sin was except the law told him not to covet (Romans 7:7). “. By listening to and following Satan's deception, they disobeyed the first one by putting another god before the one true God. The Bible tells us God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses, who led the ancient Israelites after they’d been freed from slavery and were headed toward the land God had promised them. For Paul to make these statements means that there had to have been a law or commandment in place from the very beginning. I dare you to pray about this in honest searching and study for a view that may be against your own and see what happens.
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