Get your answers by asking now. So dizzy. BROOKE: Let's go fishing! LEON: Your name is Noel backwards. DONNA: Donna Summer...Summer....summer...the only time of the year to relax and enjoy the fact that you have a stupid name. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today.
Some jokes have not really stood the test of time, others are a bit ribald but most are still funny. Lame. JUANITA: Juanita, the name you absolutely have to spell when you say it. OR Your name is a menace to society. ‘Why, madam,’ says he, ‘I knew they could not live without contradiction; therefore I suffered them to have their own way.’ (14), One said that to live quiet in a marriage state, the husband ought to be deaf that he may not hear his wife’s impertinence, and the wife blind that she may not see her husband’s gallantries. Probably. MERLIN: You might know magic, but you can't spell a decent name if you tried. The patient, turning a little pale, cried out: ‘Lord, Sir, I hope there is no danger?’ ‘Yes indeed there is,’ answered the surgeon, ‘for if the fellow does not set up a good pair of heels, the wound will heal before he returns.’ (35), A medical gentleman, in an advertisement, informed the public that he had removed from his old station to a place near the churchyard for the accommodation of his patients. Puts me in a tizzy. MEGAN: Rearrange your name. Here’s an example: I start my act usually by making fun of my name: Shannon.
MIGUEL: Miguel. ANDREA: A much better name for an opera singer. "Hi, I'm Robin," almost never fails to garner the response, "Ha! Mackenzie: Mackenzie. PAMELA: Sex tape. Do you have one of those names? VIRGINIA: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolfe? Go away from here with you and your stupid name. CATHY: You're so chatty.
There was a dinosaur that would destroy buildings with your same name. ALISHA: At least you're trying to have a good name, too bad it's stupid. ROMEO: Where for out thou--oh. Yours could use a little eyeliner. And you know what? The movie is about a sickly girl who finds an outlet in music. Warm like puke is. AUSTIN: Cool town.
CLINT: Do you feel lucky? BERNADETTE: Please, put down the matches. Uncle! OR Open your mouth, you're made to be pooped in. Stupid. GAYLE: Did you know if you drop two letters from your name it says "Lye"? JEFFRY:'s better than Geoffrey. Makes me wanna. ELISABETH: You spelled your name wrong, Elizabeth. JEANETTE: A smaller and stupider version of Jean.
One short leg. KRISTINE: Too good for a "ch", huh? Get it? BRYCE: A good Irish name. Fucked it up for the rest of us. BRITTANY: You know what you and Brittany Spears have in common? Ooh, I hate this so much! Stupid name. Great city. BRITNEY: I'll believe that's the right way to spell it when Britney Spears makes the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. JOANN: Combining two stupid names doesn't make your name any less stupid. Help help me, Rhonda. ". Crossword finished. Hairy. fallback: If you could have dinner with any historical figure, living or dead, your name would still be stupid. Jack left you because your name is terrible. A dumb name and a lower back tattoo. Ask me anything else, replied he; but for your life I cannot consent.
I prefer to write short form jokes and then lump a group of them together to tell a story. my friends nickname for me is h**ker dont ask why it is a long story and no i am not a h**ker i am only 13 years old! VICKI: Vicki. After a couple of drinks, he decides to go over and make small talk. All with better names than yours. Me neither. I saw this lovely girl and said to her are you Susan? Copy This.
OR Big Ben, the most iconic clock tower in London, was renamed Elizabeth Tower. 135 of them, in fact! OR If you had a choice between the power of invisibility and the power of flight, you would still have a stupid name. McKenzie: McKenzie. What's it called?" The baby of maybe and able. OR You have an uncommon name. HOMER: d'oh. REGINA: You do realize that your name is almost vagina right? ROSETTA: Russian. The next one is the one we’ve all probably done before…. LOUIE: Louie, the name you absolutely have to spell when you tell people what your name is. Like someone tried to name you Janet but chickened out at the end. What'd you say? JARRED: The Subway guy?
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