No but it also makes armor kinda pointless doesnt it. Unlike Kremlin, Slava has fairly weak armor protection for a tier X battleship. Jack of All Trades -5% to reload time of all consumables. When it comes to consumables make sure you pay attention to the limited amount of DCP that you have, but it does have a lower cooldown time. Torpedo Acceleration +5 knots to torpedo speed.-20% to torpedo range.
If Steering Gears Modification 1 () was not mounted in Slot 4, it is highly recommended to mount Steering Gears Modification 2 () to improve the ship's handling. If I 1vs1 a Kremlin in a Montana, the Kremlin should win. Basics of Survivability -15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing, and recovery from flooding.
Another novelty is that in normal operations, all three turrets would have been remotely controlled from the main fire-controlled director. If you add to this the angle of that main belt, it beats almost completely the Yamato.
Not sure why they always nerf and buff things in extreme i mean they could try 10-15-20% at first then adjust later. It is, starting from the middle section, 150 mm thick and then it gets thinner to 50 mm thick. Many of these details were adopted from the design processes behind Project 69. Proper angling with that ship allows to mitigate the damage received significantly against AP. -10% continuous damage. For increased survivability, Damage Control System Modification 2 () is a good choice. It makes my heart so warm and fuzzy knowing what a great decision I made. The citadel (in orange) has the Russian battleships T shape which means that below the waterline, the citadel is in a spaced armor configuration. Go for a tank build. To conclude on this ship, boy I am hyped for it.
She is pretty much impossible to citadel through the stern unless you get some weird armor desync. It was stupid to nerf AA on Kremlin that hard. Let’s put it straight, they should be beating the République turrets and by such would take the position of the second most resistant turrets of the game. Slava is based on one of the later versions of the Project 24 of battleships from the Soviet Union. The face of these turrets is 550 mm thick. For the superstructure, it is quite similar to the one on the Stalingrad (which is quite logic) so it is fairly big. It's now worth it to spam HE more at a Kremlin early and for CV's to attack them late game as by then, your AA is none existent. Liked it? If there is a CV in play, if it decides to attack the Kremlin, and if enough AA mounts get taken out by HE spam beforehand, then sure - this nerf will have an effect. India Delta+20% to the amount of HP recovered when the Repair Party consumable is used. Considering the ship is basically designed to fight under 16/15 km, don’t worry, her armor will help you to achieve your mission. The only exception is the 100 mm short extended belt. AP bombs toke care of this BB in the end.
The citadel’s deck is 150 mm thick so AP bombs from Hakuryu and such will definitely be able to reach your citadel if they are dropped the right way.
Stalingrad is a unique ship, but her signal load out is fairly standard for a cruiser; only difference being in the relative uselessness of the two fire chance flags, as she already possesses a 33% burn chance. 1 - Orlan 2 - Novik 3 - Bogatyr 4 - Svietlana 5 - Kotovsky 6 - Budyonny 7 - Shchors 8 - Chapayev 8 - Tallinn 9 - Dmitri Donskoi 9 - Riga 10 - Alexander Nevsky 10 - Petropavlovsk. Fire is represented visually by flames spewing from the deck or superstructure of a ship, as well as by flames along the … Yes, typical muricans are not very smart people. That means that Stalingrad can citadel British light cruisers from all angles, and that against destroyers she can also just stick to AP for the first salvo, since the shells will not bounce and deal 10% if the listed Alpha Damage per hit. – Salty Jedi Blog
WOT Leaks, WOWS Leaks, News and much more! Transverse bulkheads of 125 and 140mm thickness would close off the citadel fore and aft, respectively.
Me, I never used to take any of those recurring claims of Russian bias seriously, since Russian ships have been consistently less versatile than many of those of other nations (I am looking at cruisers and destroyers here, especially). Ouroboros+777% Free XP earned for the battle. Upgrade Slot 2 allows players to extend the duration of the Surveillance Radar consumable if they have the appropriate special module available in the Arsenal. All work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
AP bombs take care of most ships, be bloody thankful your in a Krem with HP. I think its because her AA mount HP is so low now that taking them out takes far less effort and time then previously. Thus, Main Battery Modification 3 () is highly recommended to bring the reload down to 17.6 seconds, with Adrenaline Rush reducing the reload further as Stalingrad takes damage. Half of the bow and a lot of the stern area is not protected by this and only has a 25mm plating, which will get overmatched by every battleship Stalingrad will face. But isnt that pretty much the same for every ship that gets under AA focus?
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