3, 19 March 2019 | Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, Vol. Therapy, level 1a. Epub 3 Feb 2017. doi:10.2519/jospt.2017.7096, Dry needling is a technique in which a fine needle is used to penetrate the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and muscle, with the intent to mechanically disrupt tissue without the use of an anesthetic.42 Dry needling is often used to treat myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which are described as localized hypersensitive spots in a palpable taut band of muscle. Two trials (15%) examined dry needling either coinciding with surgical intervention or after surgical intervention. [9] There is no clear evidence that it is beneficial above placebo. 49, No. 1, 23 June 2020 | Clinical Rehabilitation, Vol. ‖Values in parentheses are standardized mean difference (95% confidence interval). 41, No. Following title and abstract screening, 88 manuscripts were selected for full-text review. Only 2 studies27,38 with 6- to 12-month follow-up periods met our inclusion criteria. Very low- to low-quality evidence suggests superior outcomes with dry needling for functional outcomes when compared to no treatment or sham needling, but no difference in functional outcomes when compared to other physical therapy treatments. They are thought to occur in response to unaccustomed eccentric or concentric loading, sustained postures and repetitive low load stress. There is very low-quality evidence suggesting no treatment effect (SMD, −0.01; 95% CI: −0.49, 0.47) of dry needling over other treatments. Tim Trevail. However, the asymmetrical funnel plots for PPT (FIGURES 11B and 11G), the effects of dry needling versus control/sham on functional outcomes for 6- to 12-month follow-up (FIGURE 11E), and the effects of dry needling versus other treatment on functional outcomes for immediate to 12-week follow-up (FIGURE 11H) suggest a possible risk of publication bias. We've Got You Covered (in H2O2 Gas Bubbles)! Trigger points are composed of multiple tight contraction knots within the muscle which cause and contribute to pain within the body. 36, No. Yet, at 6 to 12 months, there was a small but significant treatment effect in favor of dry needling compared to a no-treatment control or sham needling on functional outcomes. 1173185, Dommerholt, J., Del Morel, O. and Grobli, C. Trigger point dry needling. 8, 5 June 2020 | Manuelle Medizin, Vol. - It is suggested that dry-needling reduces/removes nociceptive input from trigger points, normalize synaptic efficacy and reduce peripheral and central sensitization. - Dry-needling decreases pain in patients with Chronic low back pain and in patients with hemiparetic upper limb post CVA.[14]. A localised stretch to the cytoskeletal structures. This quality of evidence suggests that further research is likely to have an important effect and is likely to change the estimate; therefore, the findings should be interpreted accordingly. On 9 of 12 occasions when pain was assessed, results favored dry needling compared to other treatment (FIGURE 8). Dry needling, when compared to control/sham treatment, provides a statistically significant effect on functional outcomes, but not when compared to other treatments. The radiculopathy model is based on empirical observations by the Canadian physician Dr. Chan Gunn, another pioneer of Dry Needling technique. 2011;19(4), 223-238. Dry needling is a technique in which a fine needle is used to penetrate the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and muscle, with the intent to mechanically disrupt tissue without the use of an anesthetic. Dry Needling: Trapezius. 1, International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 26 September 2019 | Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, Vol. 2, 31 March 2020 | Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation, Vol. The first item is not included in the score, as it relates to external validity of the study. This systematic review and meta-analysis was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.29. These physicians injected various substances including corticosteroids, analgesics, saline, etc. ), and the data were compiled into a standardized data-extraction form. As we were unable to find evidence describing the minimal clinically important difference for PPT, between-group comparisons were not performed for PPT. Dry needling is a passive modality, and this review suggests that it may be most effective in reducing pain and increasing PPT and functional outcomes in the immediate to 12-week treatment period. Heterogeneity was low (I2 = 0%). The funnel plots for the effects of dry needling versus control/sham on pain for immediate to 12-week follow-up (FIGURE 11A), on functional outcomes for immediate to 12-week follow-up (FIGURE 11C), on pain for 6- to 12-month follow-up (FIGURE 11D), and for the effects of dry needling versus other treatment on pain for immediate to 12-week follow-up (FIGURE 11F) are symmetrical, suggesting a lower likelihood of publication bias. Palpation of the MTrP then determined the level of response and whether needle stimulation was sufficient to alleviate MTrP pain. On average, within the immediate to 12-week period, the raw treatment effect on pain was 1.27 points better on the VAS in the dry needling group than in the control/sham group. More studies of higher quality with a reproducible diagnostic criteria and a valid placebo are needed to draw firm conclusions on this. Journal of manual and manipulative therapy. ‖Values are standardized mean difference (95% confidence interval). and Sebastian Sabadis). J Am Board Fam Med. Only 8 (62%) studies included concealed allocation. An introduction to Western medical acupuncture. Available from: Ga H, Choi JH, Park CH, Yoon HJ. Follow-up periods ranged widely from immediate to 12 months. Guidelines for safe acupuncture and dry needling practice, 2007. Digging a bit deeper, two main conceptual models of Dry Needling developed during the last few decades; most common are the radiculopathy and trigger point models. Shortening of the spinal muscles, particularly the multifidi muscles, leads to disk compression and pressure on the nerve root, which subsequently results in peripheral neuropathy and the development of supersensitive nociceptors and pain. TABLES 3 and 4 provide the summary of findings and quality of evidence for all comparisons and outcomes included in this review. Trigger point modelThe trigger point model is a dry needling technique that specifically targets myofascial trigger point… 1, 28 February 2017 | Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, Vol. Also, only studies published in English were included in this review. Evidence of safety of acupuncture. Australian Society of Acupunture Physioterapists Inc. In the musculature, this manifests as muscle shortening, pain, and the development of taut bands with trigger points. It is important to recognize that the origins of Dry Needling are drawn from Western Medicine principals and scientific, research-based conclusions. The Gunn IMS technique is based on the premise that musculoskeletal pain is a result of peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy, defined as “a condition that causes disordered function in the peripheral nerve.” According to Gunn's theory, denervated tissues develop supersensitivity. Trigger points can be tender to the touch, and touching a trigger point may cause pain to other parts of the body. 12, 29 October 2018 | Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, Vol. During this same immediate to 12-week follow-up period, there was also a small but significant effect for improving functional outcomes (low-quality evidence; effect size [SMD], −0.44; 95% CI: −0.85, −0.04); however, due to the varied outcome tools and musculoskeletal conditions examined, it is not clear whether this treatment effect was clinically meaningful. 24, No. An example of the search strategy is included in the APPENDIX (available at www.jospt.org). Only randomized controlled trials were included. 2, Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, Vol. To improve its generalizability to physical therapy practice, the available evidence on dry needling, as applied by physical therapists, must be examined. The 2 studies with the largest treatment effect were Pecos-Martín et al32 at 1 and 4 weeks and Mejuto-Vázquez et al28 at 1 week, with a raw treatment effect size of 2.7, 3.0, and 2.6 on a VAS, respectively, which are considered clinically meaningful changes in pain. Over an area or limb with lymphedema as this may increase the risk of infection/cellulitis and the difficulty of fighting the infection if one should occur. 6, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Vol. 19, Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, Vol. All other raw effect sizes on pain are of questionable clinical meaningfulness when compared to other treatments (FIGURE 8). 1, 22 February 2018 | Pain Medicine, Vol. 2010;23(5):640-6. Stimulation of a local twitch response (LTR) [5], Dry-needling of these myofascial trigger points via mechanical stimulation causes an analgesic effect. Data extraction was performed by the primary investigator (E.G. The I2 statistic was used to measure the heterogeneity between trials.15 An I2 value of 25% represents a small, 50% a moderate, and 75% a large degree of heterogeneity.16 Effect size was interpreted using Cohen's criteria for pooled estimates.8 Cohen described 0.2 as small, 0.5 as moderate, and 0.8 as large effect sizes.8. The terms “dry needling” or “intramuscular stimulation,” paired with “random,” “group,” “trial,” “randomized controlled trial,” or “controlled clinical trial,” were used to search the electronic databases. 58, No. 39, No. 5, 23 April 2018 | Disability and Rehabilitation, Vol. The 13 trials in this systematic review included a total of 723 participants. Compared to other treatments, dry needling does not have a significant treatment effect on functional outcomes (very low-quality evidence; effect size [SMD], −0.01; 95% CI: −0.49, 0.47). Abbreviation: PPT, pressure pain threshold. A 2-point change in pain on a visual analog scale (VAS) ranging from 0 to 10 was considered a clinically meaningful change in pain for between-group comparisons, as this criterion was also used in a previous systematic review of dry needling,20 enabling comparisons with the previous literature. Eligible randomized controlled trials included those with human subjects who had musculoskeletal conditions that were treated with dry needling performed by a physical therapist, compared with a control or other intervention. The 95% CI crosses the line of no difference, and heterogeneity was low (I2 = 11%). This was developed by Peter Baldry. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 11 May 2020 | Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, Vol. The practitioner uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate a trigger point in your body. Though we only included randomized controlled trials, the actual overall quality of the evidence was considered to be very low to moderate using the GRADE approach. E-mail: An increasing number of physical therapists in the United States and throughout the world are using dry needling to treat musculoskeletal pain. These hyperirritable spots can be classified as active MTrPs when they produce spontaneous pain and, when palpated, reproduce a patient's familiar pain.
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