Finally, they reach a section of the building where two more guards and a lead engineer are waiting patiently for their arrival. Each mutilated, and in pieces. My big brother dared me to read it, for an exchange of 2 king size chocolate bars. Finally she exhales, and presses the button. “AHAHAHAHA Wow! Jack smirked, “Well, now that I have your full attention…” The insidious clown then took his long, crooked index finger and poked a hole in Isaac’s stomach. As they walked up to the front gate, the sign read, “LAUGHING JACK’S CARNIVAL IT’S SO FUN YOU’LL NEVER WANT TO LEAVE!”. They were giant cages that could seat four people two people on each side of the cage and spun in circles. “Where are the guards?
“He’s a clown. This made me very nervous. No one was in sight and the carnival seemed much older. Beings and Entities, Children and Childhood, Deaths, Murders, and Disappearances, Famous Creepypasta, Monsters, Creatures, and Cryptids, Slashers and Gore, Torture and Cannibalism / December 19, 2017 August 12, 2020 / 11 minutes of reading
He then made his way to the foot of the torture bed, where with one hand he held down the boy’s left leg. Finally she made it out, collapsing to the ground out of breath, sore, and unable to move. As I looked at each one I noticed they were all horribly disfigured and mutilated. Another laugh fills her ears, this time echoing all around. He then jumps back into his box. She pushes a pair of glasses back up the bridge of her nose. Isaac used his sleeve to wipe away his tears, “I’m being sent off to a boarding school… I’m leaving tonight… and you can’t come with me…”. Amanda screamed in pain. The grass was tall and mangled unlike the nice short well trimmed grass that was just there a few seconds ago. “Give me one more second,” she replies, scanning through the disordered pile.
Samantha saw the clown come up behind her and grab her then pull her away from everyone, no one acknowledged that the little girl had just been screaming for help. My life sucks... yeah. That’s a strange name. It's closing after the fireworks show, and we have two hours to do whatever we want before it starts,” said Samantha. Even if all those disturbing murders aren’t his doing, the ones that are confirmed are enough to drive a sane person to the edge. People were everywhere playing carnival games, riding on rides, and eating cotton candy. If it's not charged up, the punch just makes the opponent bounce up. Text ... idk its just a way to express my self through the words. The sounds of Pop Goes the Weasel being played on a squeezebox echoed through the park; it was hypnotizing. After all there is no need.” He replies, his voice just a deep as his laugh. What little toys Isaac did have were ones he’d found abandoned in the street or washed up in the gutters. “Uh ok, do you regret any decisions you’ve made?”, “Not really, though I guess I rush my time with a few of my pals.”.
Laughing Jack’s arm stretched out across the garden and snatched the unsuspecting feline, who began to struggle quite vigorously.
A lot of moves are borrowed from Super Skrull from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (ex: Laugh this Off! My shock was quickly broken by a sharp scream coming from James’ room followed by loud crashes.
As they inched closer they saw a horrific sight. The chair clashing to the floor behind her, she whips her gaze around her. As years went by, Jack’s once bright vibrant colors began to fade into a monochrome blur of pitch-black void and stark white emptiness. Imaginary friend or not, I’m not letting anything hurt my little boy. As the children tore me apart and I faded away, all I could hear was laughter, horrible, awful, evil, laughter. The other girl opened the gate.“Welcome to Laughing Jack’s carnival. They started running as fast as they could away from everyone. He got a pair of pliers and pulled off all of her fingernails one-by-one.
Laughing Jack began to chuckle as well, “Heh heh. His face blank, he didn’t move. The femur was made into the back legs of the chair, while the tibia, with the feet still attached of course, was made into the front chair legs.
Oh, and Isaac!”, Isaac looked back at Jack, who gave him a wink and said, “You should wear that smile more often. Neither Jack nor Isaac said a word as he crept down the stairs alone to face whatever horrible fate was coming to him. To see the best clown of them all!!
He stops laughing, only to remain silent once more; the silence filling her ears like static. She finally stops after what seems like forever of running, she scans the paths around her.
The whole place had a horrible look to it. When I went into the backyard I was a bit confused, because James was the only person back there.
Her walking now a slight sprint, she looks down the next row of hallways. With his new face complete and the room transformed into a bloody murder nest, it was finally time for Isaac Lee Grossman to bring home a new playmate. Followup to Jack Top, using the momentum from the aforementioned move, Laughing Jack wallops the foe with an uppercut. Isaac asked Jack if he was a ghost, but Jack explained that he was more of a cosmic entity, of sorts.
The only time they made their presence known was when Jack would hear them fighting.
Dec 19 2017 August 12, 2020. I’d LOVE to! Laughing Jack quickly bursts himself up into the air and slams down into the ground, creating a shockwave. Isaac returned wielding a pair of rusty pliers, and wasting no time he slid the bottom jaw of the pliers under the boy’s fingernail on his right index finger and clamped it tightly. Where did you come from?”. This was enough to make the girls want to run for their car. Then I heard it again, the soft desperate moan. She grips onto her clothing, trying to keep from losing her cool.
Samantha screamed for Amanda, hoping she would respond but everything was deathly silent.
After that, he brought over a little girl whom he force-fed broken glass before using her stomach as a punching bag.
Without delay he began carving the words “Useless Worm” into the child’s quivering chest. “James, who were you talking to out there?” I asked. Terrified, they began running trying to to find the way out. My baby, my poor baby, in so much pain barely clinging to life. Isaac heard the loud thud from downstairs, and decided to climb up to the attic to investigate. The ear piercing squawk of Isaac’s mother shrieking his name from downstairs. They let me use their phone and I called the police. Jack could hear much yelling from downstairs but couldn’t make out what was being said. SabrinaNightmaren's OC, Laughing Jill, appears in his ending in Arcade Mode. Isaac asked Jack if he was a ghost, but Jack explained that he was more of a cosmic entity, of sorts. “Oh thank you, Amanda," he said as he looked at her name tag.
Finally it was time, they ran to get the best seats, After about fifteen minutes everyone was seated and ready for the show, there was a poof of smoke and the clown appeared and said,“Let the show began!” He lifted both of his arms up in the air and then suddenly brought them down, resulting in a flash of colorful sparks of light and a loud booming sound.
Then, Laughing Jack and Isaac told each other spooky ghost stories. He then cut her stomach open and stuffed it full of hard candies. "Come on, it's no fun if you don't watch! Amanda got out of the car immediately and they gave the ticket master their tickets. Isaac was a sad child with not a friend to his name. The nail tore off, but not without taking a good deal of skin tissue with it. “Are you sure that we’re going the right way?” Samantha said glancing at Amanda. She sighs and quickly gathers up the papers. James was sitting on the sidewalk.
“What’s wrong kiddo?” a voice called out. She fiddles with the access card, trying to get it facing the right way. I quickly grabbed a knife from the drawer and moved up the stairs with the speed that only a mother whose child is in danger could have. Samantha and Amanda were frozen in fear, then they heard the song 'Pop Goes The Weasel' playing faintly in the distance,getting louder by the second, as it got to the climax, the clown whispered, “Pop goes the weasel” into Samantha's ear. These are some 5-6 word horror stories i found rather interesting... hello everybody here is a short lil story i wrote about two stupid boys who are enamored with each other but are unfortunately incredibly mentally ill. this is going to be about you and endeavor~ if you don't like it then i don't know what to tell you just don't read it, About a girl who is 8 yro your her diary and a new person moves next door wait is that a knife (you get to name her when it says HN say the name you gave her). What does your friend look like?” I asked a bit confused. The children enveloped me, clawing at my flesh, dragging me to the ground, and tearing inside me. I gathered up the toys and made my way to James’ room, however when I opened the door James was sound asleep. It’s so fun you'll never want to leave... Enjoy.” James looked at her and said,“Thanks, Samantha . Last.
Nothing, no click or sound what so ever.
“Look kiddo, I’m sorry I had to hide, but I’ll make it up to you! I’m magical, I never get tired of playing, I’m a wiz at the accordion, and I adapt and develop with your own changing personality… In other words, whatever you like, I like!”. Its hard to make out, but someone is there just around the corner. !” Isaac stuttered.
“Oh what a fun game,” his says with delight, taking a step closer.
Every thing on the counters had been thrown on the floor, and our dog Fido hung dead from the light fixture. The boy yelped in pain as his fingers twitched and shot with blood. The laughing Jack character really leaving that impact this story needs.
Everything in the room was knocked over and tossed on the floor, my poor son in his bed crying and shaking with fear, a pool of urine staining the sheets. He paused, “I-I cant… I have to go downstairs to see mother for homeschooling and chores…” his smile faded into a look disappointment.
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