83, 118]. After finding Will Turner adrift at sea, Beckett, Will, and Jones sail to Shipwreck Cove using Jack's compass. Each one leads the division of each sea. 124, 161] Mr. 4, who fights using a four-ton baseball bat and a bazooka that can transform into a dachshund or a dachshund-bazooka hybrid, works with Ms. Merry Christmas (ミス・メリークリスマス, Misu Merī Kurisumasu), who can transform into a mole or mole-human hybrid.[ch. 498] Regarded as "problem children", these pirates, along with Marshall D. Teach, eventually became known as the "Worst Generation" (最悪の世代, Saiaku no Sedai) by the World Government as they gained more notoriety for their crimes and, sometimes, their willingness to challenge the status quo.[ch. In the fourth film, Scrum assists Angelica in recruiting a crew while she is impersonating Jack Sparrow. 406], and Fukurō (フクロウ), an owl-shaped man with a zipper across his mouth which has to be open in order for him to speak.[ch. Though Norrington is ecstatic to find her alive, Elizabeth is hostile, accusing Norrington of serving her father's murderers. After Henry's reunion with his father, Gibbs sets sail with Jack to waters unknown. Beckett offers Will a deal, telling him that he and Elizabeth will be pardoned if Will locates Jack Sparrow and brings back his compass for Beckett to use. Gecko Moria (ゲッコー・モリア, Gekkō Moria, a play on kōmori (蝙蝠)) is the captain of the island-sized ship Thriller Bark and a former member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.[ch.
The highest-ranking members are known as the Sweet Commanders.
332] To help the Straw Hats rescue Nico Robin, he achieves notoriety under his alter-ego "Sniper King, the King of Snipers" (狙撃の王様そげキング, Sogeki no Ō-sama Sogekingu), a hero sniper wearing a golden mask and cape. Ridiculed and rejected, he inadvertently eats their treasure, the Paramecia-type Gum-Gum Fruit (ゴムゴムの実, Gomu Gomu no Mi), which gives his body the properties of rubber. Bootstrap agrees, and becomes subject to the curse of Flying Dutchman.
The Foxy Pirates have anime-only members like Mashikaku who is large and rectangular, Chiqicheetah who can turn into a cheetah and a cheetah-human hybrid, the squid-type fish-man Jube, the unspecified fish-man Girarin, and the elderly referee Rokuroshi. Though "God" is traditionally the title only for the island's ruler, he takes it literally, forcing the population to worship and serve him.[ch. Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann are asleep when their bedroom is entered by the shadow of an apparently resurrected Davy Jones.
[42] In the Funimation English adaptation, his voice is supplied by Robert McCollum.[43].
When Jack Sparrow refuses to lead an expedition to the Fountain of Youth, the King sends Barbossa to find the Fountain in order to stop the Spanish monarch from becoming immortal.
They are led by Sai (サイ, Sai).
He appears in At World's End. This act enraged Barbossa, and he punished Bootstrap by tying his bootstraps to a cannon and throwing him overboard. They consist of the Holstein cattle-like Minotaurus, the rhinoceros-like Minorhinoceros, the koala-like Minokoala, the zebra-like Minozebra, and the chihuahua-like Minochihuahua. After becoming one of the Four Emperors, Blackbeard has a subordinate known as Peachbeard (桃ひげ, Momohige), and allies with Aokiji. He also has a habit of reading tarot cards to find out what is going to happen, and the percentage probability that what he predicts will happen.
The crew of the island-sized ship Thriller Bark (スリラーバーク, Surirā Bāku), captained by Gecko Moriah, consists mostly of zombies, numbering in the hundreds, created from corpses – patched up by Moriah's subordinate, the medical genius Hogback (ホグバック, Hogubakku) – given unlife in the form of shadows stolen using Moriah's Devil Fruit ability.[ch. They reappear in At World's End in service to the East India Trading Company. Koby (コビー, Kobī) is the first friend Luffy makes on his journey, finding him forced to work as a chore boy on Alvida's ship.
Zoro is saved from execution by Luffy in exchange for becoming his first crewman. He soon becomes obsessed with reclaiming his honour, and seeks revenge against those he believes responsible for his downfall, notably Sparrow. Leaving their pet the infant whale Laboon at Reverse Mountain, they promise to return after sailing around the world.[ch. Cricket, believing that Noland was telling the truth, spent years searching for that city. 50, 98], Buggy (バギー, Bagī) is a pirate with a preference for fighting with knives, a love of cannons, and a prominent red nose.
Norrington leads the boarding party and is reunited with Elizabeth Swann, who is now captain of the Empress. Among his crew is his childhood friend Killer. 38] Kuro fights using a pair of gloves equipped with very long, straight, single edged blades. Said by Jack to be "the one pirate all pirates fear", Blackbeard practices voodoo and has the power to command ships using his magic sword. In On Stranger Tides, Jack is trapped on Black Pearl, which has been magically shrunk and confined to a bottle by Blackbeard. 443] Fifty years later, Brook's goal is still to fulfill his late crew's promise, and to that end he joins the Straw Hat Pirates.[ch. Barbossa sinks the Interceptor and maroons Sparrow and Elizabeth.
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