Let’s rephrase our question using these new tips. are the structure of a question indicating that many different answers are possible; or an opening that has no known answer and does not constrain a response (Hargreaves, 1984; de Rivera et al., 2005). What should I do with what I learned and know? Questions that can guide and support their own thinking and awareness before, during, and after your teaching? The floor is yours. How might what I ‘missed’ affect me (in the classroom and in life)? Follow up with them? Although you will want to ask some questions before you begin student teaching, here are some student teaching questions you can ask your cooperating teacher once you get started. Modeling Reflection – Questions to Ask With Students. are positive assumptions and meaning embedded in the question that “assumes capability and empowerment” (Costa & Garmston, 2002). Indifferent? Something new that I can do? Can the kids walk out and repeat from memory one, simple key truth that has been embedded in their long term memory. Modeling Reflection – Questions to Ask With Students. Why? We have changed it 4 different times over the past 14 years, and we have provided examples in which various features of the Template were highlighted or left out. The ACT Inc.® does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this web site. Was the instructional objective met? What seems most important about what was learned? 2. 4.Are the relationships that I have with my students helping or hindering their ability to learn? with Thinking Collaborative, she combines a coaching skillset to all her work with Center X. Connect to UCLA Center X Partnerships via, Related reading: Feedback on Teaching: Beyond the Low-Hanging Fruit. Planning questions. Magoosh is a play on the Old Persian word magush, one who is highly learned, wise and generous. Here are some ways to improve this. What have you tried with that student that worked well? Yesterday I had the joy of teaching both elementary services at our new Port St. Lucie campus. The conversation is going well; the teacher shares that she thought the lesson went okay, basically the way she had planned. Is it specific, like a skill, or vague like a concept or idea? Never did Jay and I advocate using the UbD Unit Template as a lesson planner. By having to think of the big ideas; by focusing on transfer as a goal; by worrying about whether goals and assessments align, by being asked to predict misconceptions and rough spots in the learning, the Template keeps key design questions front and center that tend to get lost in typical planning, where teachers too easily think about content to be covered. Researchers from Case Western Reserve found through fMRI studies that these spaces were aroused from the approachable state. Who can I talk to about the lesson to review key ideas or clarify misunderstandings? What are some of the things you noticed that let you know the lesson was going well. Over the years, countless people have thanked us for helping them become more thoughtful and disciplined in their planning. You can help students become more proficient by modeling this process for them and encouraging them to use it when they read independently. You say of course and that you’ll stop by tomorrow, but the teacher has already moved on. Teaching kids is one of my first loves in children's ministry and I cherish it every time the opportunity arises. Typically, teachers ask between 300-400 questions per day, however the quality and value of questions varies. More about how to do this at this link. Indeed, in our latest books on unit planning we stress this point in an entire module. 4. Did I use simple words that were easy for them to understand? Are my lessons is going well? 27.What new ideas have I tried in my classroom lately to keep myself energized about teaching? The teacher nods but a few moments later asks if you could come back another time as she just remembered something she has to take care of before her next class of students come in. What should I know about teaching in this school district? There are way, way too many questions here to be useful packaged as they are. Classroom Culture – Questions to Ask About Your Rules & Relationships. 4. are the syntax and structure of a question that allow the brain to think in multiple possibilities, “[supporting] the capacity for choice” (Rock, 2009). What could I learn about this tomorrow with help? Have students that ‘get it’ more quickly than others share some of their responses so students can benefit from hearing thinking in ‘student-friendly’ language. How else could I learn this–maybe better? The idea of a good checklist is what’s key. What’s working? Are my lessons is going well? Something new that I know? 21.What’s stopping me from improving in these areas? Curious? “Then, ignore the template and consider the questions,” I said. . What does this remind me of? At first glance, what’s the ‘big idea’ of what’s being learned? . Given the choice between teaching kids and adults, I'd choose teaching kids every time. Was your lesson teacher dominated? Where have I seen this or something like it before (inside and/or outside of the classroom)? We clearly struck a chord. Or is this something where what was learned doesn’t have a clear hierarchy? 2. How can I tweak those parts of my teaching to keep it from happening? Did I alter my instructional plan as I taught the lesson? Did I talk longer than that? As a Training Associate for Adaptive Schools and Agency Trainer for Cognitive Coaching for Thinking Collaborative, she supports individuals and groups in developing self-directedness and resourcefulness. What do I already know and not know about this? Here are some additional examples of questions with these specific structural elements you might offer in a reflecting conversation after a teacher observation: Lastly, as you think about using these elements of invitation to coach teachers around their practice, here are a few reminders in posing questions that support thinking: Next time you sit down for a coaching conversation, revise your questions with these syntactical elements to better match your intention to support your coachee with questions that will allow them to explore their thinking, rather than yours. Enthusiastic? 6. 3. 29.What things am I currently doing that I could realistically make less of a priority in my profession? If however you believe that all students can learn at a high level and that your performance as a teacher has a direct impact on student learning, than reflection should be an integral part of what you do. Would you like to advertise on this site? Guest Post: 5 Tips for Asking Better Questions after Teacher Observations. Is this a small change or a new way of seeing things? 30.How much time have I spent with my friends and family in the last two weeks? What’s working? 22.In what ways can I support my colleagues in their student’s learning? Here are some questions that you can ask yourself that will help you reflect on your lessons: 1. What grouping arrangements did you use? The idea here, however, is less about brainstorming before or after a lesson, but rather having questions useful to guide the student so they can know what to expect. More subtly, many plans focus far too much on what the teacher and students will be doing instead of mapping out a plan for causing specific results and changes in ability, attitude, and behavior. A surprising number of plans do not make student engagement a central design consideration. What is the primary or central theme of this story? What’s the best advice you’ve been given about teaching? What are some other questions we should ask ourselves after teaching kids? How can I use my strengths to learn this? 13.Why did I REALLY choose this particular lesson to cover this objective? Did I honor the kids' attention span? What is the value of this to me as a person? Was my lesson grounded in God's Word? Collaboration – Questions to Ask Ourselves About Our Place in a Professional Learning Community. Today's kids are not the kids of the 1980's or even the early 2000's. Connect to Thinking Collaborative via thinkingcollaborative.com/@think_collab, Connect to UCLA Center X via uclacenterx.org/@uclacenterx, Connect to UCLA Center X Partnerships via centerx.gseis.ucla.edu/coaching/@uclacxpartners, Topics: What content standards and program- or mission-related goal(s) will this unit address? Links to templates for lessons and units: http://pinterest.com/ginger_watkins/lesson-planning-and-templates/, http://pinterest.com/luv2teach/lesson-plans/, http://ims.ode.state.oh.us/ode/ims/lessons/FAQ/is_there_a_planning_template.asp, http://template.aea267.iowapages.org/lessonplan/. Is this review of something we’ve already learned, extending previous learning, or new learning? How do I feel about this content? Do you plan each day? You’ll have some success as a teacher and some failures which you’ll most certainly blame on any number of factors. As a Training Associate for Cognitive Coaching℠ with Thinking Collaborative, she combines a coaching skillset to all her work with Center X. Carrie Usui Johnson is a National Board Certified Teacher and Director of Professional Development and Partnerships at UCLA Center X, where she supports instructional coaches and school systems as a coach, collaborator and facilitator. What do I still ‘need help’ with? What’s the topic? Simply ‘pay attention’ and ‘do the work’? To aid their comprehension, skillful readers ask themselves questions before, during, and after they read. Is there anything that you wish you’d known as a first-year teacher? What observable ‘things’ should I be ‘doing’ or not doing to help me learn? How many times did the kids look away? ... Refine and reflect on questions after class. The second is the questions formatted to print on cardstock to cut out and laminate. With luck, you’ll gain a great mentor. How does what’s being learned fit into what I already know? 16.In what ways am I challenging students who are clearly being successful in my classroom? 5. Rather, as with any tool, the template is meant to be a helpful aid, a mental check. Consider checking out…, The Importance of Reflection in Education, The Two Things Teachers Focus on Most....Instead of Learning, Common Obstacles To Being Focused On Learning, Step 1: Accept Responsibility For Learning, Stop Playing the Victim: Teachers and the Blame Game, 15 Ways to Build Positive Relationships with Students, Turning Things Around: Make Your Worst Class Your Best Class, 7 Ways to Improve Our "Student Concern" Meetings, Lesson Planning Using The Four Critical Questions, The Hidden Connection Between Video Games and Learning. For more information about paraphrasing, see the work of Costa and Garmston in, Cognitive Coaching Developing Self-Directed Leaders and Learners, 3rd Edition.
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