OD/Ohdee/Odee = (adj.) Cowboy: Spell cowboy backward. A person who is high off drugs or liquor. Master of ceremonies.
Oh, I know you're on a new diet and are now using a standup desk for work, but how about you try out these prison slang terms and shake your day up even more.
An exclamation of amusement at another person’s foolishness or incompetence.
meaning she’s hot, She’s a hottie.
Almost nobody used skeezerIf I were at a party and there was a girl there that was always with many guys I would call her a SKANK. Term takin from subway train terminology.
Dry snitching: In prison, dry snitching means to snitch indirectly by talking in an excessively loud voice or drawing attention from the guards, or offering some information but no names. A stick up kid (robber) term for a potential victim. Usually used in combinations.
Not nice, that’s not cool, what you did was cold. Don’t half step, don’t half fast.
Road Dawg: This is your homie. 1-A ghetto girl with nothing happening and too much attitude. Early days of the streets. Grimey = (adj.) Juice Card: Holding a “juice card” in prison can get you out of some real trouble. 1- Name of an old school original Hip Hop party in the parks, school yards, small night clubs, youth centers, and so forth. 3. It was a television show guest hosted by The Beastie Boys and Run DMC, among others. To Leave, or go. I have an early start tomorrow.".
Harry the Horse used to run booze during prohibition.
1- To let off physical energy like a bomb.
1- To have rap or the words to talk to a fly girl.
In the streets it means to have what we called Pull. He's mad grimey, don't trust him."
It is a game, in which the seeking team would try to grab kids on the hiding team and hold them long enough to say ‘Ringolevio 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3’.
Short for “all right”, everything is cool. Short for neighborhood, but refers to ghetto neighborhood. Short for Chuck Taylor Converse all stars sneakers, made popular in the 1970’s and were heavily popular in East coast Hip Hop and West coast Gangs.
Your email address will not be published. Don't stress about Susan's new boyfriend.
1- To perform (Hip Hop)or play ball with great energy.
Here Are 3 Reasons Why. Quizzma is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
Stems from telephone information servcice.
Ghetto term for money makers in the hood, be it by legal or illegal activities.
To beat someone in a Hip Hop Battle. You woulda thought = a more exciting way to say "no" "You woulda thought I was going to let you use my laptop to log on to your shady-ass websites."
Wanted to make a correction.
Affiliated with dances styles like clown walkin, the stripper dance. Do you know what else is hard? To dance or rhyme, or do a great wild style graffiti piece.
Always got there hair done, spends allot of time and money to make themselves look good. A person who watches your back. A woman who is regarded as evil and scheming. 8. Meaning your doing something all day and all night. 1-The percussive part of an 70’s James Brown style record, where the drums play a funky beat.
1- Real street raw. To have knowledge or self and everything around you, to have street knowledge. 1- Short for elevated train platforms.
You just have to let it run its course. A DJ term for records. A term used to refer to any form of advocacy of radical, leftist or liberal causes. A term of endearment used to express appreciation of someone or something. A Jamaican term of encouragement or otherwise good cheer.
You can now sign up for just $99, plus receive a 7-day free trial.
To get hype with a burst of energy.
It is an Arabic term for the Islamic concept of the straight path, or the way of life which makes God happy (it’s a quote from the first Surah in the Quran: Surat Al-Fatiha), It is a common Arabic term that is associated with religion.
To rob. Conceited, superior, having an air of rude hauteur particularly with regard to personal appearance – but with good reason. A slutty girl.
It might be that you’re tight with the CEO and your boss knows it. Something I ate has been giving me the runs all day. MC battle, BBOY battle, Graffiti battle, DJ battle. “Shit bag” “Shit-bag”. A way of saying Back in the days in the streets, school of hard knocks. Anything above 100st. Find more ways to say run aground, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. I nearly died on that last heroin run. He’s just “selling wolf tickets.” Same thing in the office. made popular in early Hip Hop rhymes. This is no holds bar jokes where people get there feelings hurt, but you have suck it up. Here Are 3 Reasons Why.
You commiserate when work gets tough and your boss keeps threatening to take your stapler. Should we let the illness run its course? Slang isn't always cyclical — things are cool to say, until one day they aren't. It turns out he had been on a cocaine run for nearly three months straight, and he had spent almost all of their savings during that time.
A derogatory term for someone or something of low status or value.
10. Usually meant for inmates who can’t fight or have no pull in the prison (they don’t know any one). A sawed off shotgun, in which the barrel(s) are sawed off to become shorter, for the purpose of the pellets inside the shells to spread out over a vast area. A prison North of NYC. Or watch how that higher up, who has a huge paycheck just for being persistently douchey, acts when you tell him to, "stop being a cowboy and quit all that ear hustling or I'll take the damn keys from you.". Free online quizzes and answers for students.
I understand that the data I am submitting will be used to provide me with the above-described products and/or services and communications in connection therewith. They're untrustworthy and don’t have your back for a second. Used to describe a party or situation or activity that won’t end for a long time.
Here are 10 slang terms from the '50s that we think deserve a comeback.
Short for make ends meet, to have or keep money. What is it? The word skeezer was more appropriately spoked as skank. At your office, it could be the janitor, who literally holds the keys.
Mid eighties term for a fine young lady. 1- It refers to a music style that originated with drummers in New Orleans like earl Palmer describing the type of sound they want to play.
When you’re at your most pessimistic and your boss is being a dick, when the co-worker next to you is about to drive you to some heavy level manslaughter shit, you need the right slang to truly articulate how horrible life can be in the cubicle cell in which you live (or, maybe it's not so dramatic and you just want to have fun).
Maafa (or African Holocaust, Holocaust of Enslavement, or Black holocaust as alternatives) are terms used to describe the history and ongoing effects of atrocities inflicted on African people. OG: An “original gangster.” In prison, this is a respectful term for someone has been in the joint for a long time.
Ex-Convicts Make the Best Entrepreneurs. To get up, is to gain fame by bombing the system (trains, walls, busses) with as many tags and throw ups.
It is a jive phrase that essentially means to lie. 19. Punk City, a term for a special protective jail cell for inmates who are in danger within prison population.
RDX, an initialism for Research Department explosive,[2] is an explosive nitroamine widely used in military and industrial applications. Refers to a girl from around the way (your block, hood) who has sex with every guy on your block/ hood. “Echelon” is a level of rank, achievement or reputation.
2- Mean rewind, or try again, or bring it back.
Do or Die Bedstuy.
Imformation, gossip, rummors.
Security guards who act like there real cops. It was mostly used to describe a not so hot lassie. Professional wrestling has accrued a considerable amount of jargon throughout its existence.
1- refers to the Philly haircut where they fade the sides and the back to your skin. A euphemism for masturbation, often used when a person is sexually aroused or nervous.
I nearly died on that last heroin run. noun, slang A period of frequent and extended use of a particular drug; a drug binge. Writing your nick name on a wall or train. Outside train stations. Meaning we can make something happen. I'm sure it's just a summer thing—it will run its course before she goes back to school.
Pretending to be tuff.
To follow its natural progression or development: "Well, I'm going to have a try," said Tadpole; "it's the last, After calling-over, sure enough there were two boys at the door, calling out, "Big-side hare-and-hounds meet at White Hall;" and Tom, having girded himself with leather strap, and left all superfluous clothing behind, set off for White Hall, an old gable-ended house some quarter of a mile from the town, with East, whom he had persuaded to join, notwithstanding his prophecy that they could never get in, as it was the hardest, At the meet they found some forty or fifty boys, and Tom felt sure, from having seen many of them, The scent, though still good, is not so thick; there is no need of that, for in this part of the, However, it's all over at last, and they have, "Well, be quick some of you, that's all," said the great man, as he turned out of bed, and putting on his slippers, went out into the great passage, which, Third match: Melsi Eleven defeated Bahria Eleven by 7, +4 RACE RATING df11 Sep 12 Musselburgh 1m5f Hcp 1.Adele 2.Agent Gibbs 3.Mister Rockandroll 7 ran Record of first three: 1 win from 3, By separately analyzing these components, you can learn not only to identify how hard you are working without a heart rate monitor, but also to recognize how exertion changes from moment to moment during a, A nine-layer line without auto die correction reportedly can. A persons street credibility.
He or she will write “hot 110” over there name. Mama jokes seem to be the most common and popular.-Your girlfriend is so stupid, the first time she used a vibrator she cracked her two front teeth. When a writer (graffiti) writer or crosses out his enemies name, or a toy (week graffiti writer). Instead of just telling on you outright, a dry snitcher in the workplace speaks loud enough so that your boss or supervisor can hear what he or she was going to tell on you for, and gets you in trouble anyway.
A label on string tied to a deceased persons toe with their name and other information on it.
Related: The Many Pros and Fewer-Than-Expected Cons of Hiring Ex-Cons.
Street way of saying good bye. Much of it stems from the industry's origins in the days of carnivals and circuses.
It’s the act of shooting someone in the head. It’s to have arguments or war.
All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.
1- friend that you can count on in times of trouble.
Short for victim. Required fields are marked *. He was a wrestler. To buy, originally a term for buying drugs.
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