I’ve written about cameras before on this site and definitely recommend using a DSLR if possible. OBS also allows you to use filters which are extremely handy in improving your audio’s sound.
As a rule of thumb, you want the bar that lights up to hit the center of the yellow. NVIDIA NVENC offers consistent quality based on the generation of the encoder. That has nothing to do with how twitch's encoding works, it was a bug on Chrome that caused black bars at the bottom of the player if the resolution was not divisble by 8, there's nothing special about resolutions being not divisible by 8 on the encoding process, or in relation to quality.
I personally stick to 900p 60fps as I find that I maintain super smooth video output while maintaining a crisp, clear image. 0.1 BPP is where the encoder has sufficient video data to handle complexity.
You definitely want to aim for 60fps but if you can stream it smoothly then drop down to 45fps – no one likes a laggy stream, Desktop audio device – this is where you select your computer. settings that provide the right balance for the game you're playing, your internet speed, As a rule of thumb, stick close to 0.1, 0.08 is what I'd recommend bare limit. The two most important things when it comes to improving your streaming quality is your software settings within OBS and having decent (not state-of-the-art) gear. I've tried streaming/playing cod and when I do that the stream quality is terrible and so is my gaming experience... No fun for anyone. Streaming at a higher resolution like 1080p requires a higher bitrate, Resolution: 1920x1080. I will need to do some test streams.
Not the the best in world but certainly not the worst - I think most PC gamers will have similar specs if not better. In terms of what time of RAM to go with, I’d say that if you have DDR3 or DDR4 you will be just fine. AMD’s new Ryzen line-up – as these have 18 cores and 16 threads, these CPUs are built for multitasking, something that encoding livestreams requires. x264 will utilize a lot of your CPU, resulting in lower FPS. I set mine to -30db. I’d personally recommend that you stick to 900p 60fps if your PC can handle it. Speak into your mic and play around with this. You want more cores and threads to spread the workload because encoding is very CPU focused. While it’s great to have a fully spec’d out gaming rig you need to be aware of the limits that streaming platforms put in place which bottlenecks what streamers can output to their channels.
NVIDIA NVENC) utilizes a dedicated encoder in the GPU, allowing you to play and stream without compromising game performance . The more cores and threads that you CPU uses the lower your clock speed will be. You can play with this and you will need to adjust this depending on your recording space. Things such as bitrate, hardware, software, and OBS settings are just a few that will impact your final results. YouTube, on the other hand, allows streamers to output up to 4K @ 60fps.
and your computer's hardware. Currently, the highest output you can have to Twitch is 1080p 60 frames per second (fps). Same CPU, my GPU is 5700xt and 32 GB RAM. Sorry didn't mean to hijack or anything, have a nice day. 170Mbit download/30Mbit upload internet If you need to do this then simply test it out and find what works for you.
There are so many components that go into making the production value of a stream great.
Resolution refers to the size of a video on a screen, While the older generation (Pascal, Kepler) are similar with veryfast/faster quality. Rate Control: CBR. Just. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
0.05 BPP is fine, is you're doing art, or slow motion stuff, read: a lot of static information. If you want to use x264, start with veryfast preset, and experiment with them until you find your sweet spot. Width X height X fps X 0.1 / 1000 = kbps. To access these filters go to the gear icon under Mic/Aux and click Filters. /r/Twitch is an unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv. 1080p 30fps. You will not have enough bitrate. Just wanted to mention 900p is a weird resolution to stream at due to how Twitch's encoding works.
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