Lats are also important for making the taper actually look like a taper. Fitness subreddit for information and discussion for people looking to put on weight, muscle, and strength. I think lats, and shoulders are responsible for the V shape mainly. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. But to build a good V taper, you need big delts, and big everything in your back. People will say do wide grip pull ups or pull downs. Some genetics, a lot of patience, but mostly just hard training and proper nutrition. You are not. Chances are, ya'll do not have as great a discrepancy as you presently think.
Current Stats: 225 Bench 300 squat 320 deadlift Goal: Trying to get my squat and deadlift up to 450 and my bench up to 300 putting me in the 1000 club by my 17th B-D 1/28/06. You also obviously need to maintain relatively lean to keep the love handles down.
To make your shoulders wider than your waist, you need wide shoulders, and a narrow waist.
Getting the initial taper isn't difficult but sculpting it depends on your diet and work ethic. A V-taper in a relaxed pose is dependent on your waist-to-shoulder ratio, which is something determined by bone structure (read: genetics). First, I would mirror his pose and mark differences in taper width then. We've worked with numerous athletes and regular gym-goers, and two exercises have made the biggest difference when comes to the V-taper. Getting the initial taper isn't difficult but sculpting it depends on your diet and work ethic. So lateral raises, incline presses, and pull ups should be the bulk of your focus for progressive overload. Genetics: The good, the bad, and the scrawny. Post a pic on r/bulkorcut or your stats other wise we can't really tell you to cut/gain. 2 Missing Shoulder Exercises. You have to separate your scapulae more in the pose by activating latissimus dorsi; that allows the upper back to flare and shows more of the body's general breadth.
Will definitely work pull-ups. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. So today I overheard 2 blokes at the gym having a discussion about training obliques, one of the guys claimed that because he overtrained his obliques that they are too big now, and have increased his waist line which resulted to him looking more "blocky", as he had lost his V-taper. V-taper, Vacuums and "Waist Training" Sorry if this is the dumbest topic of all time I have heard a lot of mild things passed around about how some bodybuilders swear by the Vacuum saying it … Your lat inserts and waist thickness will just dictate how pronounced it is.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Learn to pose, and you will probably have a taper like your friend's. Then with knees raised. Should I run? A while ago I came across a good article on this subject, I can't find the link, however the gist was: Pick up any one of the hypertrophy programs from the wiki, fix your diet, and add accessory exercises for the lats.
Why are multiple people in this thread saying waste instead of waist lmao, Doesn't look like people actually respond in that sub. But as you progress and get bigger your v taper will get better. "Good genetics" in bodybuilding generally refer to visually appealing muscles. Over head press and lateral raise for delts to "pop". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You need a lot of shoulder work (military press, side/rear lateral raises), back work (pull-ups, chin-ups, deadlifts), and ab work (cable crunches, leg raises etc). As everyone said, it's the pose and angle. Since you said v-taper, not X-frame, I guess you could focus more on upper body, specifically the middle delts, upper chest, and lats. he has the nice v-taper I am striving to achieve for.
When it comes to genetics in bodybuilding, some are obviously more desirable than others. I believe it's my weak point. Eat smart and I’m sure you will see that v taper. But yeah, learn how to spread your lats and it will already look 100% better. You should have taken it relaxed like your friend or done a lat spread instead. Once you make a fair comparison, if you decide that you still have a dissatisfactory taper, lat pulldowns (wide grip especially) and rows will help this. At the current state in working out (StrongLifts) I don't see much physical change, but I am getting stronger. Those exercises are good, but unless you have just the right genetics, they won't build your shoulders by themselves. Thank you. look how much our backs differ. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Rack pulls will also make your mid- and upper-back/trapezius area bigger. Excellent post, was going to stay exactly the same! Then just one widebgrip pull up, hold at top and do leg lifts. i have a bit of an hourglass figure, which i don’t think looks good on me. I've never really developed the shape and I think it is to do with not having a good frame. Could this just be bad genetics? Since you said v-taper, not X-frame, I guess you could focus more on upper body, specifically the middle delts, upper chest, and lats. You need to invest a good amount of time building some size first. Anyone with a wide back and low enough bodyfat can have a V-taper, wide waist or not. V-Taper destroyed after training obliques? It's that simple. You need a lot of shoulder work (military press, side/rear lateral raises), back work (pull-ups, chin-ups, deadlifts), and ab work (cable crunches, leg raises etc). Pull ups and hanging leg raises... but I would incorporate those into a full routine, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Thus it's totally subjective what one may perceive as good genetics, but I'm sure that there is a somewhat common taste. When faced with the prospect of a wide waist and narrow shoulders, bodybuilders will often cite bad genetics, a very limiting way to view this particular problem. Sure, working out and getting lean can make that ratio more favorable but it's something that's largely set in stone. Omar isuf had good results with high frequency/volume pull-ups. The rear double biceps pose doesn't really show off back width especially the way you're executing it, with the scapulae close together. This sub loves to throw around SL's but in reality SL is a poor routine to make people look better, which is what you are learning now.
Should I try to cut or gain? what’s the best exercises and diet to get a v-taper. Then L pull ups. You need to put on weight and size to get a taper like that. This one is amazing. Lat pull downs and rows are the main things. Your friend is flaring his lats (and using some camera angle trickery).
Sure, working out and getting lean can make that ratio more favorable but it's something that's largely set in stone. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. More than anything else, I want my shoulders to be much wider than my hips.
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