Thanks.". For many of the #NoProjects critics it was little different from #NoEstimates. These are continuity models rather than the stop-go project model. Only as this generation relinquishes leadership will things change. Stuck in a Truck with Buck. Project Free TV, a hugely popular TV show-streaming website. Non ricordi più come accedere all'account? or. Public Figure. The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. Some legacy companies have consciously gone post-project and are recognising the benefits: the capitalist model suggests these early movers 9 risk takers – will gain the most. In many ways the hashtag died because we found better, and less confrontational, language to express ourselves. so that's why we closed our old site and launched a new one.". We have just Create New Account. Log In. Long story short, adding a native token to an AMM was a good idea, or at the very least one that sparked digital bread and circuses. Hopefully I’ll be alive to see it but I have no illusion, the rest of my career will be spent undoing the damage the project model does. Princess Auto. It also provides TV scheduling information. Forgot account?
The episode underscores the complexity, creativity and unpredictability of the white-hot DeFi space, where more than $8 billion worth of cryptocurrency is currently locked up in smart contracts, according to DefiPulse. This article was first published Accedi. Which begs the question: why aren’t these approaches more widespread? Chef Nomi declared his intention to stick with the Sushi protocol and that his Sushi sale was well within his rights as a founder. Chef Nomi launched the Uniswap rival Aug. 28. In part that is because No doesn’t tell you what to do, it tells you what not to do, so what do you do? In a Discord message, he said he plans to move the contract to a multi-signature contract until the project can be fully decentralized into the hands of SushiSwap LP token holders, similarly to other DeFi protocols. Cottage Life. Eleven days later on Sept. 6, $1.27 billion is “locked” in Sushi contracts. Optimistically I remember what science fiction author William Gibson once said: “The future is here, its just unevenly spread around”. See more of Brojects on Facebook. Caffetteria. Non ora. Still, Project Free TV's sudden email raises questions – where did they go? What happened to Project Open Sky? Media/News Company. Projects will exist for a long time yet, #NoProjects will continue small scale disruption but in the long term the post-project organizations will win out. Three days later, on 27 July, IBTimes UK discovered that a site called Project Free TV was residing on another domain,, that was still functioning. A quick search on Google seems to show that the domain is still not being crawled on the search engine and a Who Is domain search states that the domain was registered in November 2014 and updated on 23 September. The founder, who ostensibly became a multi-millionaire by merely copying and pasting Uniswap’s code, shortly became the center of a Twitter doxxing campaign. And, at this point, virtually no one trusted Chef Nomi to undertake the transfer in an honest fashion. When I’m being cynical I’d say, like agile, it is a generational thing. SushiSwap experienced a tumultuous weekend after its founder sold $13 million' worth of his stake in the decentralized, automated market maker project. His identity has yet to be confirmed. The hashtag still gets used but far less often, the critics have fallen back and rarely give battle and as I’ve said before #NoProjects won. One might call all these ideas and models post-project thinking.
That created a mad rush to earn LP tokens through farming Sushi on Uniswap as shown by an exponential rise in Uniswap volume late last week. Guiding individuals & enterprises to greater agility in a digital world, “I’m frankly amazed at how far the #NoProjects throwaway Twitter comment travelled. Pizza Place.
Zombie mining has an end game. Through push and pull, Chef Nomi decided to give up his keys to the SushiSwap contract he and he alone held. What happened to Project Free TV?
Stuck in a Truck with Buck. That said, if they’re on the fence it’s usually an easier corporate decision to the throw the baby out with the bath water. It also provides TV scheduling information. Why do they suddenly have yet another domain? In retrospect we didn’t have the language to express what we were trying to say, over time with the idea floating around we found that language: Outcome oriented, Teams over Projects, Products over projects, Product centric, Stable teams and similar expressions all convey the same idea: its not about doing a project, its not even about doing agile, it is about creating sustainable outcomes and business advantage. or. How many domains do they have now? Vedi altri contenuti di Brojects su Facebook. The same thinking is embedded in AgendaShift, “The Spotify Model”, SAFe and other frameworks. Others, such as FTX CEO and sushi investor Sam Bankman-Fried, were not enthused about that decision: “First of all, Chef Nomi sucks,” he tweeted Sept. 5. Read more: Uniswap Rises to Top of DeFi Charts Thanks to Rival Looking to Unseat It. o. Crea nuovo account. Copyright holders frequently petition courts to get internet service providers (ISP) to block the services, and the website has been blocked in the UK since November 2013. Arts & Entertainment. I have been downloading and using torrents for several years now and it's the first time something like this has happened to me. Yet, the clock kept ticking on the planned migration from Uniswap to SushiSwap. I have been flying their aircraft since FS2000, I've been a huge fan. LP rewards, moreover, were ten times higher than they would normally run up to a certain time. A comparison between and this new domain shows that the design stylesheet on the new domain is less sophisticated than and there are no TV show descriptions or images. Related Pages.
In a technique called “Zombie mining,” SushiSwap gave extra LP tokens for users providing liquidity to the ether/sushi pool on Uniswap. As CoinDesk reported Friday, that day moved to Sunday as the AMM continued to attract outsized demand.
SushiSwap’s transcendence to DeFi unicorn was made possible through an innovative leaching of its rival, Uniswap. The project model is counter to their DNA. Project Free TV is a website that links to thousands of other websites hosting copies of popular TV shows so that people can watch them online for free. The creators of Project Free TV, a hugely popular TV show-streaming website, have broken their silence to announce a new domain, almost four months after they disappeared off the internet. By signing up, you will receive emails about CoinDesk products and you agree to our terms & conditions and privacy policy. Arte e intrattenimento. Once upon a time, 2 or 3 years back, #NoProjects was a hot topic – so hot it was frequently in flames on Twitter.
There are at least 3 books on the subject: #NoProjects by Evan Laybourn and Shane Hastie, Live happily ever after without Projects by Dimitri Favre and my own Project Myopia, plus the companion Continuous Digital. Sam's Pizza. King of Cups. I’m sorry if my decision did not follow what you expected,” he tweeted. To boot, the contract to the $1.25 billion protocol was given to none other than Bankman-Fried, who canceled the migration. SushiSwap investors were handed a raw deal over the weekend after the pseudonymous founder of the $1.27 billion, 1.5-week-old decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol cashed out. Projects will exist for a long time yet, #NoProjects will continue small scale disruption but in the long term the post-project organizations will win out. (You can get Project Myopia for free by signing up to the email version of this blog.). User Stories Masterclass: October & November, The big mistake with Platform Product Owners and what to do about it, What ever happened to #NoProjects? on November 18, 2015. I don't know all the technical stuff behind PFTV, but they used to like grab videos from different sites and allowed people to just watch the video on, but now almost all the 5star links to the popular shows direct you to another website. However I should say thank you to them, in the early days they did help flesh out the argument. The project model of IT is dead. Project Zorgo is an American hacking project hoax which claims to be meant to patrol the internet including YouTube, censoring any information unsuitable for it. There was a growing, if implicit, understanding that this is digital not IT, it is about digital business, and that means continuity. As the title says any time I start up Qbitorrent the download speeds go up really high really quickly, then crashes all the way down to 0 B/s, stays there, then hangs my computer. All users have to do is log on to the website, search for a TV programme and a particular episode they wish to watch, and then they are taken to another website where the video file is hosted and streamed in a web-based video player for free. We had some bad law issues [in the] past due to link exchange with linking sites. But, as sushi investors discovered Saturday, putting money into an unaudited contract controlled by an unknown founder was not a great idea after Chef Nomi unexpectedly sold his share of LP tokens Saturday. o. Crea nuovo account. As of now, Bankman-Fried controls the SushiSwap contract. For digital start-ups this isn’t an issue: they are born post-project, they create digital products, the business and technology are inseparable. I never blocked anyone but I did mentally tune out several of those critics and ignore their messages. A variant of other decentralized exchange (DEX) experiments, Uniswap has grown to be the largest AMM with volumes nearing those of centralized exchanges such as Coinbase Pro.
Hopefully I’ll be alive to see it but I have no illusion, the rest of my career will be spent undoing the damage the project model does. On 24 July, Project Free TV mysteriously vanished, much to the dismay of its legions of fans, who rely on the website to provide links to web players that stream pirated recordings of TV episodes. They split into two groups, the second group is going to pursue projects more to their own philosophy. Unfortunately Covid, the hang over of bail-outs from the 2007-8 financial crash and failure to break up monopolies (Google, Facebook, Amazon specifically) mean capitalism is not exerting its usual Darwinian force. The thinking is there, the argument has been made against projects and for alternative models, and you would be hard pressed to find a significant advocate of agile who would argue differently but companies are still, overwhelmingly, project oriented. Pagine correlate.
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