Your choice determines the creature’s attack in its stat block. Home Plane [9][12], The methods required to achieve his goals were irrelevant to Mammon and he would perform whatever act he believed necessary to accomplish them. Minauros Three adventure seeds a post. Where the River Styx sluggishly slogged through Minauros there were soul collectors of Mammon on the banks to drag off the lemures within, recording and redistributing them based on contracts and current laws. Majin: Lv1 1309 256 172 20 1: 24 19 HP+360 ATK+144 MR+16: Greed Heart Gold Get! [12], Mammon was hopelessly lacking in allies among the other Lords of the Nine, and even Tiamat despised him for stealing her dragon worshipers by appealing to the greed. A medallion-sized coin emblazoned with Mammon's serpentine form. Minauros[6] Power Level | Here Be Monsters Alignment Legacy of Minauros. | The Modern Path SRD Despite appearing completely loyal, having resisted the constant temptations by rival archdevils to win him over to their side, Focalar hated his master for his incompetence and irresponsibility. A gelugon using icy magic. What marks Mammon is greed, lust, and trickery- for he is the very embodiment of such. Home Plane | OGN Articles He also gains a +10 bonus on Appraise checks and on Spellcraft checks to identify the magical properties of items, can attempt either check once per round as a free action to determine the value or properties of any item within his line of sight, and gains a +10 bonus until the end of his turn on combat maneuver checks to disarm a creature of or steal an item he has thus appraised or identified. Lawful evil [9][11] Devilish deserters were the most frequent quarry but wandering mortals were also fair game. The archdevil relies entirely on his possession spell-like abilities to interact with the physical world. While his cupidity wasn't limited to currency,[9][12] Mammon was wholly materialistic and measured worth in regards to monetary value. Mammon's ultimate goals include the slaying of Asmodeus and enslaving of his daughter so she may rest at his feet. Nine Hells The Sinking City was one of the most bustling, robust soul markets in the planes, where heinous devils and worse mortals acted as functionaries for those wishing to prove their worth to the Viscount of Minauros. Among their ranks include humanoids, beholders, mind flayers, and evil dragons converted to Mammon's will. [14], Both before and after his transformation, Mammon had various spell-like abilities such as fool's gold or teleport, and other powers that allowed him to bewitch and confound. 3e Regardless, I'd tend to agree with you on Bestiary 6. level 1 [20], Desiring absolute loyalty from his servants, Mammon surrounded himself with devils known for their obedience. Today’s a bittersweet day for me. Update your cookie preferences. Tieflings tied to him excel at gathering and safeguarding wealth. Realm I wouldn’t worry about your Jesus-based adventure seed being offensive. Please review the TOS and Privacy Policy. Nine Hells | Dungeon World SRD The Elder Scrolls metaphysics & philosophy, Devils contribute to the balance of Chaos and Law that makes up reality, Merely listening to the words of a Devil can turn a target evil, Devils are capable of sending souls to hell, though prefer evil ones, upon their death, Souls transform into a physical shell and are cast into Baator upon death, A devil imprints the soul of a corrupted target with their name automatically, A devil can see the state of one's soul and if another devil has claimed it, A devil is capable of torturing and flaying the soul, Hell is powered by divine energy drawn out from the soul via pain, All devils save Lemures can raise other devils to a higher rank, effectively giving the abilities of that rank, Given enough soul energy, a devil can ascend to a new rank of devil, for example, a Spined Devil may become a Bearded Devil, Anyone outside of the ranks of Baator seeing their regeneration is induced with crippling fear, A devil can absorb the energy released by a soul, Those that devour the flesh of a Baatezu once killed become lethally ill, As military geniuses, devils benefit greatly from preparation, creating traps and tricks to practically ensure victory in a given encounter, The equipment of a Devil induces moderate fear in those around them, As Outsiders, devils are purely abstract in their physiology, lacking any biology in a traditional sense, Devils will resurrect if killed outside of Baator, Many devils are older than measured time itself, including several Pit Fiends and multiple Archdevils, such as Dispater, Archdevils can create harmful weather effects on their layers of Baator and presumably elsewhere, Archdevils can petrify other beings on their own level or far stronger, Mammon is the master of avarice, a fallen angel long in service to Asmodeus; though slain by his enemies long ago, his spirit lingered in his hellish sepulcher, unwilling to surrender to oblivion. Environment any (Hell)Organization solitary (unique)Treasure triple. Realm Lord of the Third[1]Lord of Avarice[2] Lord of Lust[3] King of Greed[4] King of Covetousness[3] Archduke of Minauros[5]Viscount of Minauros[6]The Serpent[6] Gaze attacks and light-based effects (including color spray and prismatic spray) targeting Mammon have the same chance as rays of being reflected, while area effects of this nature simply do not affect him. 1e Basic information If you are in 5th edition, check out the Tome of Beasts by Kobold Press. [12] Like his peers, he coveted the crown of Asmodeus and plotted to overthrow him, but where he differed from them was that he didn't bother with treacherous baatezu politics[1] and instead conspired to enrich himself. Mammon is the Lord of the Third, an archdevil of considerable power. Home Plane Archdevil 5th Edition Statistics[8] Avatar He was a ruthless hunter who would unrelentingly pursue his prey, whether it be an actual quarry or future possessions, but was ambivalent towards his prize once it was actually obtained and would swiftly move on to new targets. Despite their hatred for Minauros's humidity,[14] his armies were led by gelugons and mostly comprised of osyluths and hamatulas. They would stoop to any tactic, no matter how humiliating, awkward, or otherwise unpleasant, to get what they wanted, flipping between merciless violence and cowardly retreats in an instant. Archdevil Mammon is, to my mind, probably the most interesting of the Mammon is the master of avarice, a fallen angel long in service to Asmodeus; though slain by his enemies long ago, his spirit lingered in his hellish sepulcher, unwilling to surrender to oblivion. Worshipers If a creature has a marked object in its possession for 24 hours, Mammon can locate that creature (as per locate creature with the same increase to range as above) at will as a free action, even if the marked object is discarded. Teams of lower class devils would repurpose the debris to be used in the foundations and often fought, sometimes to the death or to the point of critical injury, on who would get the stones. [9][11] He was a cautious fighter, yet enjoyed toying with his prey by magically deceiving them into considering him an ally before suddenly killing them. When Mammon is not possessing the Argent Prince (typically because he is possessing another object or being), the Argent Prince loses all of its spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities, but remains under the control of Mammon and can continue to fight or take other actions as Mammon directs. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His greatest joy is to deceive someone and destroy them. medieval scholars anthropomorphizing the Biblical passage about “. (For starters, serving the “Overlord of Many Names” looks very diabolical.) While the lesser leaders, Caarcrinolaas and Melchon, both independently conspired to murder Bael to seize his forces with the hope of using them to defeat Mammon, Focalor, along with Glwa, planned to use the Bronze General to their advantage by forcing him into a situation where he would have to overthrow their master. [22], Some beings mistakenly believed that Mammon and Baalzebul were the same entity, both having been given forms they despised as punishment.[1][23]. Mammon rarely interacts with others without possessing a body, and his favorite body to possess is that of the Argent Princeâa powerful unique construct that represents the archdevilâs ideal form. He grants access to the Artifice, Earth, Evil, and Law domains, and to the Construct, Devil, Metal, and Toil subdomains. Mammonâs unholy symbol is a midnight blue coin with a horned devilâs head and an infernal inscription of his name in pale silvery blue. Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +7, Cha +8 Skills Perception +12 Condition Immunities prone Senses darkvision 120 ft. Home Regardless, thanks again for the wonderful content as always. Fighter 14 Thief 18 Updated Dynamic Lighting now does as much and even more than our legacy system! Aspects/Aliases His chief vassal was the Bronze General Bael, a tactical mastermind whose unending triumph over Abyssal legions with his sixty-six barbazu companies earned him great acclaim. Mammon is the patron saint of greed, and is worshiped by unscrupulous merchants and rapacious robber barons. No stats for Mammon online yet to link to. In his true form, Mammon lacks a body. Brutish barbazus were common, used to haul carts and sometimes to trade between other circles of the Nine Hells in search of souls worthy of becoming narzugons. [2][15], Mammon was also reliant on his powerful vassal dukes, that dwelt far from the Sinking City amidst dead woods and volcanoes, to protect the realm. Minauros[7] Any coin, gemstone, piece of jewelry, or art object that Mammon touches bears his invisible image for 13 days.
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