how to get a perfect score on ACT Writing. In the next section, we're going to give you three basic opinions related to the core ACT essay question. To figure out the three core perspectives, I read and re-read the perspectives for all three of the official prompts, considering them in light of the informational paragraphs that preceded them. This perspective maps onto Perspective 2 of the first official ACT sample prompt above, Perspective 1 of the second official sample prompt, and Perspective 2 of the third official sample prompt. The invitation specifies eight o'clock prompt. (because...). No need to stress! Get the latest articles and test prep tips! Though neatness doesn’t necessarily affect your grade, it does make for a happy grader. The hurry of the times, the loading and discharging organization of the docks, the use of hoisting machinery which works quickly and will not wait, the cry for, Hastening back with his band to the Nez Perces village, he told all that he had seen and heard, and urged the most. In what ways can playing with kid stuff change the way adults understand today's youth? The new format has definitely made the essay more challenging, so make sure you do plenty of practice. The ACT frames its prompts this way because ACT, Inc. wants to choose essay topics that all students can have an opinion on, rather than asking about something extremely specific for which some students are more prepared than others. "), but if you don't, no problem: it's easy to develop opinions!
Nowadays, adults regularly play video games, watch animated movies and television show, purchase dolls and other collectible figures, and read comic books for their own enjoyment. Given that toys, games, and publications that used to be exclusively for children are growing in popularity among adults, it is worth considering the effects and implications of this trend.Perspective One: It's good for adults to be familiar with kid stuff.
Perspective Three: The flourishing of a new, global society comes at the cost of local cultures. All you have to do is read up on some of them and develop your own opinions. For each issue, planning involves picking a side, supporting it with one to two reasons or examples, and deciding how to discuss at least one other perspective in relation to the one you've picked (including arguments both for and against that other perspective). You should strongly consider signing up for the essay and keep your options open. ELA and STEM programs should always be in equal balance with one another. The ACT recently changed the format of the optional essay, debuting the new essay on the September 2015 exam. The test consists of one writing prompt that will describe a complex issue and present three different perspectives on that issue. Keep in mind: The ACT writing essay is optional. Subscription services for music and video make it possible to continuously listen to and watch new media. Increasing personal autonomy is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what happens when length of experience is replaced with variety of experience? CCPA Privacy Notice | All Rights Reserved.The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University, Privacy Policy | From September on, all essay prompts will require you to not only respond to a specific question, but to also read and address three unique perspectives on the question. There won't be prompts about issues that mainly affect urban dwellers (e.g. New does not automatically equal improved.Write a unified, coherent essay about the increasing value assigned to novelty. If you find one, erase it completely or cross it out neatly. an inflammation of the eyeball which needs prompt treatment. Get Started on Athletic Scholarships & Recruiting! The only way to move forward is to heed the lessons of the past.Perspective Three: Information, products, and ways of thinking should only be valued if they are useful and reliable, not just because they are new and exciting. Where once you might speak with a customer service representative from across the country about your computer problems, your call now would most likely be routed across the world. You’re looking for big, glaring errors. This blueprint works no matter what your prompt is. Ask below and we'll reply! Perhaps physical health is sometimes improved by restricting freedom, but the cost to the health of our free society is far too great to justify it.Perspective Three: The right to avoid health risks is a freedom, too.
Perspective Three: Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Researchers from all over the world are able to pool their knowledge to advance their fields more quickly. Core Perspective C: The changes caused by [Prompt topic] will yield positive future results because it will lead to improvements for all humanity. First Global Image from VIIRS by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, used under CC BY 2.0/Resized from original. Six free The ACT Writing test sample essays that you can use to familiarize yourself with the test instructions, format, and test scoring. Take our short quiz to learn which is the right career for you.
This is good, because it will push humanity towards previously unimaginable possibilities and achievements.Perspective Two: Removing geographic boundaries from commerce means that the right people can be chosen for the right jobs at the right price. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples. The internet (and society in general) is chock-full of theories and arguments about how the world is changing, and whether or not that's a good thing. In order to help you practice we have written a few original ACT Essay prompts that you can use. Take a look at a sample ACT writing prompt and learn five key steps to penning a high-scoring essay. My nickname for this position is "conservatism," since this perspective wishes to be conservative and not change things. Several actors forgot their words and had to be prompted. Keep in mind: The ACT writing essay is optional.
And we're here to give you a head start. For additional Writing Prompts to practice with, you also might want to consider purchasing the most recent Official ACT Prep Guide, which includes five additional official essay prompts. What in the prompt requires you to weigh in? Not sure where you will apply? Less diversity leads to deficits in empathy and creativity, two of the most defining characteristics of humanity.Write a unified, coherent essay about the increasing presence of globalization.
If you are accessing this site from outside the United States, Puerto Rico, or U.S. Luckily, you don't need to know—the ACT essay prompts only ask about a teensy, tiny category of ideas. (or "why not"?). 2. Why is this issue still the subject of debate and not a done deal? Look over these sets of three opinions and try to think of reasons or examples to support each. At this moment in time, there is more information more readily available to more people than ever before. But it gets better!
Try reading our step-by-step ACT essay example if you're stumped about where to begin. The ACT essay follows a predictable format, which means you can practice and prepare beforehand. In English class today, the teacher gave us the prompt for our final essay. But, of course, the more effective way to use the information in this article is to practice both planning and writing ACT essays. Given the accelerating variety and prevalence of intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications and meaning of their presence in our lives.Perspective One: What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part of our own humanity.
In one grocery store, it can be possible to find a mixture of foods from multiple continents. ACT Writing Essay Prompts and Samples. Currently, only 27 colleges and universities require the ACT with Writing. Check out our comprehensive collection of ACT Writing guides, including a detailed analysis of the ACT Writing Rubric that includes explanations and strategies and our explanation of the differences between the old and new ACT Writing Test. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone.
Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the shift in American education.
She's usually so prompt. If you merely restate one of the three given perspectives, you won’t be able to get into the highest scoring ranges. Have any questions about this article or other topics? No need to stress! In order for this to be true, the ACT actually has to choose from a pretty small sliver of questions (since the topics must be broad enough that all test takers can write about them). In the world today, newness is highly valued. In a society that values both health and freedom, how do we best balance the two? If you really want to max out your ACT essay score, you should practice planning essays about how the world is changing until you can do it in 8-10 minutes reliably. Keep reading to see sample ACT Writing prompts you can practice with.
It's pretty scary to walk into a room on ACT test day and with no idea what the essay question you're about to answer is about. Both are necessary to providing a student with a well-rounded education. Instead of ignoring the old, we should be focusing more past accomplishments and errors. Connect with our featured colleges to find schools that both match your interests and are looking for students like you. 3.
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