Sometimes you wont go very far, other times you’ll be running half way across the area. but it was awhile ago so I don't remember if I got it from opening a chest I got from tequatl. Additionally, we had folks from various other servers like Ehmry Bay, Fort Aspenwood, even other bigger servers like TC and BG. It’s by no means an easy fight, but if you’re willing to hop onto a free voice chat program and actually listen to people who are organizing rather than throwing an ego fit about ONLY playing how you want to play, it will make a WORLD of a difference. in Baruch Bay some lot of comunity people have been working hard to get the event done by tons of casuals, killing it at various hours the whole weekend, dont think gw2 as a WoW envyroment, or any diferences on casuals and pros, this boss ins some server pride event that want to be done by everyone ^^. $('.apikey', widgetRef).removeClass('tokenerror').removeClass('tokenvalid'); Array.prototype.unique = function() { If you are dead (not downed), you should be running back from the nearest waypoint (Brooloonu Waypoint) rather than waiitng to be rezzed. The surrounding This short period is colloquially referred to as the "burn phase". if (val.done == true) { If I do it when there is less people, obviously we lose big.
$('.countdown', $(x) ).text('Active'); } else { Are invisible supply caravans still shown on the map for opponents? $('.forget-button').click(function() { If you take the average height of a real human. }
At 75% health, you are awarded the Fine Chest, at 50% the Masterwork, and at 25% the Rare and Exotic. return; For other popular strategies used by prominent organized groups, see the external links. var rows = $('#world_boss_table tbody tr').get();
if (match) { The Turret gunners need to use skills 4 and 5 at the commander's location to buff all the stacked assaulting players. For convenience sake, I’m going to put a short reference for the assault and turret team that will be attacking, what their roles are and what should be going on. All players in the assault with should try and equip the following: AoE condition removal skills. You can try your luck if you’re a little lower than that, but it seriously won’t go well for you.
$('#hideachievements').remove(); Whirlpools will form around the area called Watery Grave that pulls the player into an under water area of the field. The event starts in this phase. // Calculate diff I would say if 75% is not hit by 4 mins remaining, its a fail. if (window.jQuery) { var diff = (ts - d); var token = cookie || localStorage.getItem(apiKeyCookieName) || localStorage.getItem(subtokenCookieName); Blog and original image content is copyright to Kristina Hunter aka Dulfy.
Could you potentially turn a draft horse into a warhorse? That’s pretty much all there is to it! I hope this was helpful to any and all who happened upon this. This helps with buffs, cleanses, and revivals if you get downed. It has been terrorizing the civilians residing in these parts for some time, and it seems to be getting worse. Don't get caught in any bloated creeper explosions, Find the sunken treasure within the Watery grave, Successfully jump over the shock wave 10 times, Use a hylek turret at the Tequatl battle site, Fight Tequatl without allowing any of the hylek turrets to be destroyed. your strategy looks very good and thanks for sharing. Have the three parties from the west turrets go defend the west Battery and the three parties from the east turrets go defend the east one.
Defeat Tequatl without getting hit by a vortex attack. method(); Turret defense teams (including the turret gunners) should be around 10-15 people otherwise champion and elite mobs will spawn much more often. // Fetch UNIX time since 1970 Additionally, groups of Risen will periodically spawn in four fixed locations around the event area at fixed times on the 15:00 timer, beginning at 14:00 and 90 seconds apart. Good choices are, Orrian Steak Frittes:- +100 power/+70 Vitality, Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew: Gain might on dodge/+40 endurance refill rate, Mango Pie: +70 Vitality/Gain 85 health every second, Coordination is extremely important for this fight so you will need some sort of VOIP software to listen to the commanders –, Turn off player names in the options, lower your graphic settings (but set reflections to Terrain and Sky to help see the shockwaves). Do not try to jump over them if you are going for a kill as dodging is much more reliable (and always dodge towards the wave.).
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