Sign up to our newsletter for the latest field trip reports and more. Originally discovered in the 18th century, Laurina almost went extinct due to its delicate nature. It is considered to be a high altitude coffee that is best harvested in temperature between 18 and 23C. and the way the beans themselves taper to a point, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement. The cup is rich in flavour, exhibiting notes of guava, wild honey, plums and floral notes. Daterra have been studying the Laurina varietal for 12 years now. For example, Bourbon Pointu/Laurina is known to be very susceptible to leaf rust.
Laurina is a light, transparent coffee that in some ways seems more akin to tea. Visit Some of our wholesale customers offer a decaf option on their menu, and we always felt a need to find the right coffee for them - but as you can imagine, it was hard to find something that had gone through the decaffeination process AND lived up to our philosophy. In this auction, Daterra absolute best microlots are put up for auction. The thing with Laurina is, it is incredibly rare. For example, the coffee borer beetle thrives in humid conditions. He noticed that it was special, it smells and tastes like nothing before; mandarin, ginger, mango, cinnamon and lots of flower aromas like jasmine. The varietal is called Bourbon Pointu after the unique pointy shape of both the tree and its beans, and its Reunion Island origins (formerly known as Bourbon).When we visited our Brazilian partners, Daterra, we were delighted to find that they were growing Laurina in small quantities. A Masterpiece Laurina lot was also used by 2018 Brewers Cup winner Emi Fukahori.We wanted to make our low-caf Laurina available at a good price point for you, and were lucky to secure two lots that scored above 86 points, but were not included in the masterpiece auction process - one natural and one washed microlot. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device, Laurina is a naturally low-caffeine coffee from Brazil. Our first release will be our natural microlot.
Editor’s note: This article first ran in Roast Magazine’s September/October 2020 issue, and is republished here with permission.Roast has generously provided a pdf of the article, which you can access here.. Bourbon’s Botanical Origins and the Evolution of Laurina
When we visited our Brazilian partners, Daterra, we were delighted to find that they were growing Laurina in small quantities. It is a delicate coffee which requires intense agronomical assistance with a unique feature; it has 50% less caffeine than other Arabica’s coffees and offers a refreshing taste. Caffeine acts as a natural insecticide, so lower amounts of caffeine results in a plant that is receptive to disease, requiring a lot of care. .cs-skin-elastic .cs-options li.flag-NZD span { Using genetic materials in their research field they were able to examine the way the plant adapted to their terroir. Its name, Bourbon Pointu, is to honour the Bourbon Island and Pointu because of its elongated and pointed beans. Image credit: Coffee Management Services on flickr. To find out, we delve into the coffee bean’s complicated history. It's then hand-picked, pulped, and slowly dried. World Coffee Research is a 501 (c)(5) non-profit, collaborative research and development program of the global coffee industry to grow, protect, and enhance supplies of quality coffee while improving the livelihoods of the families who produce it. at select locations in the US earlier this year, it cost $16 per half pound and sold out in fewer than twenty-four hours? Through different varietals, microlots, and processes we are able to offer a vast range of flavours from a single farm - naturally. The cup is rich in flavour, exhibiting notes of guava, wild honey, plums and floral notes. In September 2018, 51 coffees were auctioned, some of which were processed in very advanced ways - the expertise Daterra is well-known for. © 2020, Inmaculada Coffee Farms, elegir una selección de resultados en una actualización de página completa.
Our philosophy is to present the clean flavours of the fields, highlighting terroir and the distinct taste profiles of each individual farmer we work with.
This Arabica Bourbon mutation contains only 0.3%–0,5% caffeine. As in the 18th and 19th centuries, Laurina is still a very sensitive plant, and yields remain low, which is why it's so rare. Bean Brothers Coffee Company Ltd is small batch artisan coffee roasting business. The geisha arabica coffee, also known as Abisinian, like all the other arabica varieties, is originally from Ethiopia, known by its locals as Geisha. } Daterra have been studying the Laurina varietal for 12 years now. The highest bid was for a lot of semi-carbonic maceration Laurina. Under Louis XIII, the Island once called “Santa Apolonia” was changed to Bourbon Island due to its dynasty.
background-image: url(; It's a tetraploide species (44 chromosomes) that comes from two old diploide species known as Eugenioides (Probably mother) and Canephora (Probably father) both of them having 22 chromosomes. The Geisha tree or Abisinian is known to be a high and rarefied plant; its leaves are oblong and narrow.
}, aterra first planted laurina in 1994, and had such belief in its potential that they kept trying for 25 years until they finally figured out how. In seedlings under daylight, the laurina mutation leads to semi-dwarf hypocotyls, but this effect disappears in darkness conditions. Since then, other farmers have been producing small yields. Caffeine is a natural insecticide, so the low amounts in the laurina variety make it … Laurina, or Bourbon Pointu, is grown at an altitude of 1400ft (in Réunion, at least—this varies from place to place, and the quality of the coffee does with it). Our first release will be our natural microlot. Laurina is sometimes also known as Bourbon Pointu, named after the island and the way the beans themselves taper to a point. Laurina is a naturally low-caffeine coffee from Brazil.
Where decaffeination processes change the chemical composition and flavour of the coffee, we can roast this one as is.
Caffeine acts as a natural insecticide, so lower amounts of caffeine results in a plant that is receptive to disease, requiring a lot of care.
However, being naturally low in caffeine means that we do not have to alter Laurina in any way. It is processed and light roasted carefully by our Master Roaster to offer a sweet cup with juicy acidity.
The highest bid was for a lot of semi-carbonic maceration Laurina. The low caffeine content makes this coffee truly unique. Dark roasted coffee takes on a smoky flavor. In Colombia the plantations are concentrated in the areas between 1200 and 1800 MASL. * When you sign up to this form you agree that you will be accepting our privacy policy. Historical circumstance has certainly lent Laurina a romantic sense of rediscovery, but its recent resurgence in popularity has more to do with being so difficult to grow, along with the fact that it tastes quite unlike most other coffees. .cs-skin-elastic .cs-options li.flag-USD span {
Our first release will be our natural microlot. As some of you may know, Daterra runs an annual online auction of their Masterpieces. Whenever we cupped decaf samples in our Quality Control Group, the verdict was always a “noooo that’s not palatable!” or “I cannot score this”. Laurina, also known as Bourbon Pointu, appeared in the Reunion Island after a spontaneous mutation of the Bourbon variety. choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. .cs-skin-elastic .cs-options li.flag-EUR span { Originally discovered in the 18th century, Laurina almost went extinct due to its delicate nature. Now they have Laurina trees planted on a few plots of their farm, making these microlots possible. Coffee Shop Equipment Subscriptions Gift Card Offers Trade Events Media About Contact Sign In My Account. Laurina Botanical and physical characteristics: The Laurina tree is distinguished by its long and pointy beans that vary from 12 to 15 inches.
Originally discovered in the 18th century, Laurina almost went extinct due to its delicate nature. In September 2018, 51 coffees were auctioned, some of which were processed in very advanced ways - the expertise Daterra is well-known for. Being naturally low in caffeine means that we do not have to alter Laurina in any way.
Laurina is very sweet, with a fruity, floral aroma and is hugely popular across Europe, particularly France. These include a co-operative that opened in the south of Réunion Island, at an estate called the Maison du Laurina, that produces one and a half tonnes of coffee every year. What coffee could be so rare and precious that, when Starbucks sold just one harvest at select locations in the US earlier this year, it cost $16 per half pound and sold out in fewer than twenty-four hours? The mouthfeel is lactic with a great supporting acidity. Our philosophy is to present the clean flavours of the fields, highlighting terroir and the distinct taste profiles of each individual farmer we work with. This is an incredibly rare and special coffee from our heroes at Daterra, one of the world's most pioneering, sustainable and experimental coffee farms. It is processed and light roasted carefully by our Master Roaster to offer a sweet cup with juicy acidity.
Light roasting allows the brightness and delicate flavor of the bean to shine through. Around 1878, the director of the Colonial Garden, took some samples from infected coffees to a neighbouring island called Maurice where they discovered that it was a fungus called Hemeleia Vastatrix.
It went for $141.10 USD per pound.
In September 2018, 51 coffees were auctioned, some of which were processed in very advanced ways - the expertise Daterra is well-known for.
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