Find information on drivers, software, support, downloads, warranty information and more for your Zebra products. Ce site utilise des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience numérique. Contact Zebra Support. The document is organised as a set of individual questions and answers. If Pause test prints darkness levels- Go into printer settings to adjust darkness. Votre utilisation de ce site sans la modification de vos paramètres vaut l’acceptation de nos conditions d’utilisation des cookies. Easy access to knowledge articles with the right information on Zebra Products. Check that the ribbon is installed correctly. A wealth of self-help resources are available through our in-depth Knowledge Base. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les cookies que nous utilisons ainsi que sur la façon dont vous pouvez modifier vos paramètres de cookies en cliquant sur ici. Zebra printers are generally quite reliable and easy to work on, but having some basic troubleshooting skills at your disposal will help you avoid problems before they get out of hand. If pause test does not show different darkness levels, labels and ribbon may be the wrong combo. Desktop Barcode Printers. Pause Test - Hold pause while printer starts release pause after 5 seconds. Select printer properties and rename printer ZDesigner.
Black Ribbon is most common. P1012728-008 Zebra Programming Guide 9/20/13 Comment This section is reserved for notes that are of value to a programmer, warnings of potential command interactions, or command-specific information that should be taken into consideration.
Zebra GK420D Label Printer Troubleshooting. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Zebra Intelligent Edge Solutions . Print a test label and make sure the printer is working properly. We can supply a range of high quality self adhesive labels to suit your needs.More Details... Our Ribbons are suitable for all near edge or flathead thermal transfer printers.More Details... View video of our bespoke print & apply labelling systems and automatic label applicators.Launch Youtube ... Kandoy House, 2 Fairview Strand,Dublin 3,IrelandCall us: 01 9023825, Suite 2 CIDO Innovation Centre,73 Charlestown Road,Portadown, Co. Armagh, BT63 5PPCall us: 028 3882 0733.
Any labels where the backing has come loose should be discarded. Auto calibrate should take place after printhead is closed. A: The below steps should be followed to resolve most issues with printer calibration. Install driver before connecting USB. Check out these additional resources for further help. Watch for places where the labels themselves may have come loose from the backing. Check power cable and turn printer on by power outlet. Install driver with Network and then use settings while driver is installing to configure IP address. Professional Labelling & Printing Solutions. Your computer might ding when it is connected. Change settings in driver and print windows test page (This will push commands changed to the printer). Découvrez des réponses pertinentes et recevez des conseils utiles ou connectez-vous pour poser une question.
A: Follow the steps below to install new drivers for your printer. Trouvez des informations sur les pilotes, logiciels, téléchargements, garanties et options de support et bien plus encore, pour vos produits Zebra. Check your labels to define Gap, Notch or Mark. Accélérez le déploiement des produits et solutions Zebra et rendez les opérations plus fluides à l’aide d’une meilleure visibilité sur la santé actuelle, de tendances historiques, d’analyse prédictive et d’informations exploitables. Step 1 Open the Zebra printer using the button on the side. Subscribe to receive status or reminder notifications for Zebra repairs, view status within Zebra's repair portal, or chat with ZBot, Zebra’s online virtual assistant. Cliquez ici pour en savoir davantage sur les cookies utilisés et comprendre la procédure à suivre pour en modifier les paramètres. Les mises à jour Zebra LifeGuard sont un moyen pratique de recevoir une protection accrue, des mises à jour de sécurité à intervalles réguliers et un support permettant d’assurer la sécurité des systèmes d’exploitation. 1. Check the Zebra website for an updated driver. Ce site utilise des cookies pour fournir une expérience numérique améliorée. Examinez la déclaration de confidentialité de Zebra pour en apprendre davantage. Inscrivez-vous à notre bulletin d’informations. Veuillez consulter le guide utilisateur des imprimantes prises en charge. Learn how Zebra can help protect your enterprise devices from security vulnerabilities. . If you are using a different thermal printer, use the drivers that came with your printer and do not install the UPS Thermal Printer Drivers. We have put this Quick Troubleshooting Guide together to provide you with help in resolving some of the more common questions we receive in technical support. 2. We are printer repair, supplies and advanced print engine specialists in partnership with Zebra. Veuillez consulter les notes de sortie pour les besoins du système et les systèmes d'exploitation pris en charge. > Contact Technical Support, Hospital Bracelet and Patient ID Wristbands, RFID Transponder Inlay Placement Guidelines, Handheld RFID Readers and RFID-enabled Scanners, About Software Downloads/End User Licensing Agreements. Check the connections between the printer and the cable as well as the cable and the computer. Services publics d'configuration De Zebra. Zebra printers are generally quite reliable and easy to work on, but having some basic troubleshooting skills at your disposal will help you avoid problems before they get out of hand. If driver is not communicating try using different connection cable. Cette application est testée et prise en charge sur les versions Android 5.1, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x.
Version Cette application comprend la dernière version 5.x ZDesigner pilote certifié et est recommandé pour l’installation du pilote et la configuration de l’imprimante.
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