Cerc stiintific - Anul universitar 2007-2008 |
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Anul universitar 2007-2008 Teme: Tumorile stromale gastro-intestinale şi tumorile maligne mezenchimale Lucrări ştiinţifice prezentate la congrese: 1. studenta: Gheorghe Guta Ana-Maria “High cellularity GIST with neural differentiation arising from Meckel’s diverticulum – case presentation” la “The XIIth International Congresss for Medical Students and Young Doctors” MEDIS, mai, 2008, Timisoara, Romania, distinsa cu PREMIUL III 2. studenta: Delcea Caterina “Myxoid / round cell liposarcoma”, la “The XIIth International Congresss for Medical Students and Young Doctors” MEDIS, mai, 2008, Timisoara, Romania 3. studenti: Iulia Peciu-Florianu, Andrei Popescu, Catalina Coclitu, Ileana Acsinte „MedicalStudent.ro and the Medical e-Learning System in Romania”, Poster presentation, The 5th International Congress for Medical Students and Young Doctors, Congressis 08, Iaşi, 2008 4. studenti: Andrei Popescu, Catalina Coclitu, Iulia Peciu-Florianu, Rucsandra Dobrota "Students' Approach to Medical e-Learning - MedicalStudent.ro", la "The 4th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education" Bucharest, Romania, April 17-18, 2008
Last Updated on Sunday, 16 May 2010 21:28 |
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Dr. Andrei Popescu - Artroscopie umar, ortopedie sportiva, chirurgia umarului